
FEEDING OF DOGS IN DISEASES OF Digestion and metabolism


    Canker - an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth
cavity. Primary causes of stomatitis can be eating
hot meal, injury mucosa meat and fish-
bones, etc.
    The dog observed salivation, increased thirst,
difficulty in chewing food, etc.
    If you have any stomatitis dog must ensure that
copious drinking, slimy soups (broths rice, flax seeds,
Jones) and vitamins A and B1.
    Mouth washed with 2% solution
sodium bicarbonate, 0.05%-governmental solutions flowers
chamomile or sage leaves. Ulcer smear buckthorn
oil, mixed with an equal amount trivitamina.


    Laryngitis - an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx.
Causes of laryngitis are overcooling of the organism,
For example, bathing a dog in feverish cold water, taking
too hot or cold food and Bodi, damage
mucosa of foreign objects.
    The dog is a general depression, difficulty
swallowing and subsequent vomiting. On palpation pharyngeal
there is coughing, vomiting or choking. In case of contact
pharynx foreign body aspiration occurs in the dog paws
remove the jammed body, as well as strong salivation and
    Laryngitis dog give slimy soups, broths rice
flax seeds, jelly, raw eggs, milk, meat broth and
other liquid foods. Apply special treatment.

                  Blockage of the esophagus

    Blockage of the esophagus is more common in dogs, eagerly
eating food. Arises from the ingestion of bones
tendons, corks, pieces of wood, stones and other objects.
    At full or partial blockage of the esophagus is observed
very concerned dog: she wags and shakes
head and stretches his neck, scratching his paws in his mouth, eating
and the water is broken.
    In this case we must try to push the foreign body
probe into the stomach, pre-Vliv few tea
tablespoons of vaseline or butter. If necessary,
resorting to surgery.


    Gastritis - an inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
Acute gastritis is caused by eating fast food
Diseases of teeth and oral mucosa,
feeding too hot or cold food, tainted
foods (fermented, rotting, moldy,
containing various toxic substances).
    Gastritis in the dog there is depression,
decreased appetite, postprandial vomiting may occur,
bad breath, belching, white patches on the tongue and
    If there is evidence of gastritis dog stand on the hungry
diet for 1-2 days, do gastric lavage with 1% solution
salt, or 0.05% solution of lactic acid.
    When anatsidnom gastritis (low in
gastric juice hydrochloric acid) for 30 minutes before feeding
the dog is given a 1 tbsp of natural gastric juice.
With high content of hydrochloric acid (giperatsidnyh
gastritis) give artificial Karlovy Vary salt 1-2r 3 times
day with warm water.
    After a starvation diet dog fed slimy concoctions
(Rice, flax seeds, etc.) with the addition of raw eggs. Then
make oatmeal or vegetable soup, grated carrots with a small
sugar and low-fat ground meat. For constipation
used laxatives. Dogs give sulfate
sodium (10-25g), magnesium sulfate (15-20g) and castor oil
    Strictly adhere to the diet. 10-15 minutes before feeding
dog to give a decoction of chamomile (1:10), and natural gastric
juice of 1 tbsp. After eating the dog give the amino acid
methionine (0.25 g) 1-2 times a day. In the diet include
Vitamins A, B and C.

                     Gastric ulcer 

    Gastric ulcer - a focal necrosis of the mucous
membrane of the stomach. Arises as a result of damage
gastric mucosa by sharp objects (bones,
nails, etc.), hot food and hot drink of water.
    The dog, a change in appetite. After receiving
food there is vomiting, sometimes with clotted blood. In
feces also found blood.
    In the diet of dogs include dairy products (yogurt,
yogurt, etc.), raw eggs, meat broth, minced meat.
Dog fed frequently with small portions. The ration
added vitamins B and C apply special treatment.


    Enteritis - an inflammation of the intestinal mucosa with
breach of its duties. The most frequent causes
of enteritis is incorrect feeding
dogs (overfeeding, sudden change of diet and individual
feed, especially in puppies and young dogs, feeding
too hot or cold foods, feeding only boiled
food without the raw meat, feeding spoiled food
products, etc.).
    In acute enteritis observed depression
dogs, poor (or no) appetite, appears
diarrhea with fetid odor, undigested pieces of food,
mucus and blood. This requires special treatment.
    To prevent the appearance of a dog should enteritis
give food strictly on the rules in compliance with the regime
Feeding, transfer from one dog food and diet on
another, you must gradually, a little food to feed
warm temperatures 30-35C.


    Coprostasia - a stagnation of feces in the colon
dogs. The disease most often develops from the monotonous
and indiscriminate feeding excess carbohydrates in the diet
(Sugar) in the presence of diseases of the digestive tract, etc.
    The disease is more common in indoor and older dogs of
lack of exercise (walking).
    When stagnation of feces dog becomes restless,
groans, looks back on his stomach. Postprandial pain
amplified. Defecation occurs rarely, with great difficulty,
stool thick and dry.
    When this disease the dog for 1-2 days
provide starvation diet, without taking water.
Pose several times heavy, warm, slimy enema.
Give laxative (castor oil).
    Dog needs a strict diet. In the diet include
liquid vegetable soup, slimy broth (rice, flaxseed and
etc.), oatmeal pudding, acidophilus, yogurt, shredded carrots,
multivitamins in liquid form (1-2 drops a day). Dog
provide active exercise 2-4 times a day for 1-2 hours.


    Hepatitis B - this parenchymal inflammation of the liver. Often
often occurs as a result of transferring the dog gastritis
enteritis or infectious diseases, poisoning with toxins
vegetable and mineral origin.
    Among the factors contributing to the development of hepatitis,
is a general weakening of the organism in the dogs
Feeding poor quality due to imperfect
food. In the liver, reduced accumulation of glycogen
and vitamins.
    Patients dogs observed depression,
lack or loss of appetite, can be enhanced
body temperature. Appears yellowness of the mucous
membranes, itching, discoloration of the faeces.
    The disease can occur acutely (several days)
chronically (several months), gradually moving in
    The dog must be translated into dietary nutrition: a
digestible diet includes foods rich in
High quality protein, carbohydrates and vitamins: milk and
dairy products (cheese, acidophilus, yogurt), fresh
liver. Give multivitamins or need vitamins A, B and
C. Specific treatment is necessary.


    Urolithiasis - a formation of single or
multiple stones (concretions) in the kidney or urinary
    The main causes of stone formation is
metabolic disorder with unnormalized (wrong)
feeding the dogs, lack of food (stern) of vitamins A and D,
displacement of acid-base balance of blood and tissue
liquid acid or alkaline side, excessive
receipt of food and protein deficiency
    The disease manifests difficulty urination. Y
dog appears depressed state, are inactive,
hind legs wide apart. Frequently observed
urinary colic, dog moans, often assumes the pose for
urination. Urine acid reaction, cloudy, with a touch
blood. This requires special treatment.
    The diet of sick dogs should strictly standardize
protein and carbohydrate according to need
in these substances, avoiding the overfeeding of protein by
excess meat. Food should nourish with vitamins A and D
(Fish oil vitamins, retinol, vitamin D in oil
videin, trivitamin).


    Metabolic disorders in dogs occur when
improper feeding, due to inconsistencies
content in the diet of nutrients to the needs of
organism, that is the shortage or surplus energy
protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, and
as a result of inactivity (lack of exercise -


    Obesity - is excessive accumulation of fat in various
bodies, especially in the subcutaneous tissue as a result of the general
(Energy) overfeeding the dog, as well as the unnormalized
feeding a diet rich in easily digestible carbohydrates
(Bread, cereal, pastries - cookies, cakes,
candy, etc.).
    Disease also contributes to the lack of walks,
phlegmatic character of the dog, etc.
    External manifestation of obesity is to acquire
the dog's body round with thick soft folds at the
back. The dog is lazy and sedentary.
There is a shortness of breath and a violation of the digestive
tract, which manifests the change of constipation and diarrhea.
    To prevent obesity dog ​​should be fed a strictly
Standards, particularly with regard to carbohydrates, which
rich in cereals and bread, given the structure of the diet for different
    If signs of obesity in the diet of dogs
include raw, lean meat, vegetables, fruits, and a thin soup,
sharply limit the breads, cereals and fats.
    The dog must be fed frequently (3-4 times a day), but
small portions. Before eating salt make Karlovy Vary
(5-10d) and put the cleansing enema.

                    Diabetes mellitus 

    Diabetes - a disease characterized by
violation of the body's ability to absorb glucose dog,
Why in the blood increases its content (hyperglycemia).
Undigested glucose is excreted in the urine (glucosuria).
    Cause of the disease is reduction or cessation
hormone insulin the pancreas.
Disease of the pancreas is caused by overfeeding
Dog carbohydrates, obesity, etc.
    In diabetes mellitus in dogs observed enhanced
thirst and increased appetite. Dog consumes a lot of
food and drinking water.
    Diabetes often suffer from females. To prevent
occurrence of diabetes in the diet of the dog must
strictly standardize the amount of starch and sugar.
    When a disease from a diet of dog rule
carbohydrate foods - bread, biscuits, porridge, do not give
sugar and confectionery products.
    In the diet include lean meat (raw and cooked)
meat and vegetable broth and soups, dairy products (cheese,
yogurt, kefir, acidophilus), hard cheese and
multivitamins. Drinking water is slightly alkaline with drinking
soda. Require special treatment.


    With a lack of vitamins in the diet of dogs appear
disease in the form of hypovitaminosis.

                    Hypovitaminosis A 

    Hypovitaminosis A - a deficiency in dogs
Vitamin A, which is manifested in the strong keratinization of skin and
mucous membranes.
    The disease is caused by a small amount or
lack of food (stern) of vitamin A.
    Puppies and young dogs delayed growth and development,
as well as a change of primary teeth. There is dry skin,
dull hair, sometimes hair loss, watery eyes, eyelids
swell up, corneas become cloudy, it may be
blindness. Appear persistent diarrhea and pneumonia.
    In adult dogs disturbed the function of reproduction, that
manifested in propustovanii, proholostenii, birth of weak
pups, increasing the number of stillbirths. Case should abortion and
resorption of embryos.
    In generalized diet, lactating and young dogs should be
in sufficient quantity to introduce vitamin A. In this case,
dogs fed fresh liver, kidneys, milk, eggs,
butter, fortified cod liver oil. With food offer
vitamin A: retinol, microvan, and trivitamin
others in doses that meet the needs of dogs in the vitamin.

                Hypovitaminosis D (rickets) 

    Hypovitaminosis D - a disease of puppies and young dogs. In
the basis of this disease is deficiency in
Vitamin D (calciferol) and Disorder
phosphorus-calcium metabolism.
    The main causes of rickets are lack of
in the diet of vitamin D, poor relation of calcium in the diet
to phosphorus, as well as lack of exposure of dogs
ultraviolet rays, when the animals are not enough to
sun. More often suffer from rickets puppies of large breeds
(Great Danes, St. Bernards, etc.) during the most intense
Growth in age from 2 to 6 months.
    Symptoms are pica:
Puppies eat clay, earth, their own faeces, nibbling
foreign objects (furniture, books, etc.), licking the walls and
    Puppies swollen joints, there is distortion and
deformation of the limb bones appear limp,
delayed replacement of teeth. Observed growth inhibition and
development, puppies are more lie.
    When you see rickets in puppies require special
treatment. Assign daily long walks,
especially in sunny weather. In winter, the pups
irradiated with a mercury-quartz lamp with a hand on the abdomen
1m with an exposure of 2 to 8.7 min (10-15
procedures). During irradiation with ultraviolet rays
dog's eyes closed a dark bandage.
    In the diet of affected dogs include raw meat (at least once
per week), cheese, raw fresh egg yolk,
milk and dairy products, semolina or rice porridge with
butter, fortified cod liver oil, as well as
vitamins (trivitamin, Vitamin D in oil for 1
drop every day or pills (1 tablet contains 500 IU
vitamin D). In addition, the food given calcium gluconate
(4d), calcium glycerophosphate (0.3g), meat and bone meal, dry
crushed egg shells (3-4g a day).
    To prevent rickets in puppies in the diet of females with a gap
5th week schennosti necessary to introduce special
mineral fertilizer, consisting of calcium glycerophosphate,
calcium lactate, feed chalk, phytin, and activated
coal 1 / 2 teaspoon per day.

                    Hypovitaminosis E 

    Hypovitaminosis E - a deficiency in dogs
vitamin E (tocopherol), characterized by a violation of
functions of reproduction.
    Most often the disease occurs in dogs with
fed in the diet of rancid fats (vegetable and
animals, butter), spoiled meat and
Meat and bone meal, canned and ready-substandard
dry food containing fats, as well as shortcomings in
Food sulfur amino acids (methionine, cystine,
cysteine). As a result, the disease occurs in males
impotence, bitches is the death and resorption
embryos, abortion, birth of weak, malozhiznesposobnyh
    Sick dogs need special treatment. In
diet affected dogs fed raw meat and liver,
milk, butter, fresh raw eggs, buckwheat,
greens (lettuce, spinach, nettle). In addition, the food given
trivitamin, tokoferolatsetat in an oil solution or tablet,
Adeva and other vitamin supplements containing vitamin E.

               Hypovitaminosis K (diathesis) 

    Hypovitaminosis K - a deficiency in dogs
Vitamin K (fillohinona), which manifests itself
hemorrhagic diathesis.
    Patients with dogs a decrease in appetite,
nosebleeds, blood in the feces and urine, subcutaneous
hemorrhage (on the skin appear poorly healing wounds).
    The diet of the sick dogs are fed raw meat and fresh
and liver, vegetables and greens (kale, spinach, etc.). With food
give vikasol (0,02 g 2-3 times a day).
    For the prevention of food given multivitamins (undevit,
dekamevit, etc.), 1 tablet 1-2 times a week.

               Hypovitaminosis B1 (paralysis) 

    Hypovitaminosis B1 - a deficiency in dogs
Vitamin B1 (thiamine), which is manifested by nerve
    Patients with dogs a decrease in appetite or refusal to
of feed, emaciation, lethargy, disorder of coordination
movement, irritability, tremors, convulsions, paresis,
    It should be borne in mind that the thiamine in the body dogs
synthesized, and therefore vitamin should be given always
    The diet of the sick dogs are fed raw meat, raw
liver, meat and bone meal and always baking or
fodder yeast (puppies - 1-2r, adults - 5-6g a day).
    With food given vitamin B1 (thiamine chloride or
thiamine bromide - 1 pills 2-3 times a week).

              Hypovitaminosis B2 (dermatitis) 

    Hypovitaminosis B2 - a deficiency in dogs
vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which manifests itself as
dermatitis and chronic ulcers on the skin.
    Patients with dogs a decrease in appetite,
emaciation, redness and peeling of the skin, hair loss,
ulceration of the mucous membrane of the cheek, staggering gait. In
some cases, feeding dogs in
nurseries, meat, corned beef (the North), there
trophic ulcers on his wrists, buttock, cheeks,
lips, at the root of the tail, ears and rump, alopecia, diarrhea with
admixture of blood. Puppies observed dry scaly
    Sick dogs during the month with food give
riboflavin tablets (1-10mg daily). In the diet include
fresh raw meat, liver, milk, egg white, baking
or fodder yeast, buckwheat, and vitamin
drugs (granuvit, Tetravit, undevit, etc.).

              Hypovitaminosis B3 (pellagra) 

    Hypovitaminosis B3 - a deficiency in dogs
Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid, niacin), which
manifested skin lesions, digestive and nervous
systems (pellagra).
    The disease appears most often in dogs that
a long time to feed only cooked feed (at
cooking nicotinic acid is destroyed) or
corn porridge (in corn little amino acid tryptophan,
from which the body is synthesized vitamin B3), or
long absence in the diet of raw meat.
    Patients dogs observed a decrease in appetite,
emaciation, general depression, dermatitis, wrinkling,
swelling and desquamation, ulceration of the skin and breast
stomach ulcers on the gums and oral mucosa, thickening
Language covered grayish-black patina (black tongue),
diarrhea mixed with blood and the putrid smell, paralysis problem.
    Sick dogs prescribe nicotinic acid (2-5 mg
per 1 kg of body weight in the treatment of 10-15 days) or niktinamid
(In ampoules of 1ml per day).
    The ration includes raw meat, liver, kidney, bone
flour, eggs, baking or fodder yeast (1-5g per day).

                   Hypovitaminosis B4 

    Hypovitaminosis B4 - a deficiency in dogs
vitamin B4 (choline), which is manifested disorder
fat (lipid) metabolism.
    The disease occurs when a low content in food
high-grade animal protein and lack of
amino acid methionine, which regulates fat metabolism. In
comes from fatty liver.
    Patients dogs observed depression,
weakness of hind limbs, loss of coordination
movements, anemic mucous membranes, dermatitis, etc.
    Sick dogs appoint choline chloride - 1 teaspoon
strate a 20% solution 3 times daily with meals.
    The ration includes raw meat, (the best rabbit,
liver, kidney), meat and bone meal, oats, peas, soya

                   Hypovitaminosis B5 

    Hypovitaminosis B5 - a deficiency in dogs
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) which is manifested
a disorder of the reflex activity of the organism.
    Patients with a decrease in dogs
reflex activity and disorder
digestive tract. Sometimes, suddenly appears coma
or death.
    Sick dogs appoint pantothenic acid, 5-10ml
20% solution per 1 kg of body weight.
    In the diet include raw lean beef, rabbit meat,
raw liver, cottage cheese, buckwheat cereal, baking or
fodder yeast, vegetables and herbs.

         Hypovitaminosis B6 (hypochromic anemia) 

    Hypovitaminosis B6 - is a deficiency in dogs
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine adermin), which manifests itself
the development of hypochromic anemia and convulsions.
    The disease occurs as a result of feeding dogs
spoiled boiled and moldy foods, as well as
under protein overfeeding.
    Patients with dogs a decrease in appetite,
depression, tooth decay, necrosis of the tip
tail. On the extremities, nose and tail appear
redness. The disease is accompanied by seizures.
Puppies tend to lag behind in growth. Appears
hypochromic anemia (a decrease in blood lymphocytes). In
further develops leukopenia (decrease in white blood cells
    Sick dogs for 10-12 day intramuscularly
pyridoxine hydrochloride administered at the rate of 1,5 mg per 1 kg
body weight or give with food powders or pills
0.02-0.07g per day.
    The ration includes only benign fresh
products: raw meat (best horse meat), liver, millet
porridge with milk or contact, potatoes, vegetables and herbs
baker's yeast or fodder.

               Hypovitaminosis Sun (anemia) 

    Hypovitaminosis Sun - a deficiency in dogs
vitamin Bc (folic acid, folacin), in which
    The disease arises as a result of unbalanced
feeding especially in amino acids (lysine, methionine,
tryptophan, etc.), as well as indigestion
accompanied by prolonged diarrhea. Disease
also contributes to long-term feeding of dogs only boiled
    Patients dogs anemia (a decrease in blood
red blood cells and hemoglobin) and fatty liver.
    Sick dogs prescribe folic acid to 1-2mg at
1 kg of body weight per day for 15-20 days.

    In the diet include fresh foods, taking into account
amino acid composition: fresh lean meats (many
amino acids found in meat rabbit), liver, milk and
dairy products, sodium caseinate, buckwheat, vegetables and

            Hypovitaminosis C (scurvy scurvy) 

    Hypovitaminosis C - a deficiency in dogs
vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which manifests itself
in violation of redox processes and
accompanied by the development of anemia, hemorrhagic diathesis and
    The disease occurs as a result of prolonged
feeding dogs cooked food (cereals), diseases
digestive tract and liver.
    Patients dogs observed a decrease in appetite, general
weakness, lethargy, redness and swelling of the mucous
membranes of the mouth, bleeding gums and the appearance of
these ulcers, swelling of the joints of the limbs.
    Sick dogs appoint ascorbic acid as a
tablets of 0.02-0.1g per day with food, as well as intravenous
injected 20% glucose solution with ascorbic acid.
    The ration includes, in addition to cereals, raw, lean meat,
milk and dairy products, potatoes, vegetables and herbs
(Salad, nettles), and multivitamin preparations (asnitin
- 1 tablet contains 50 mg of ascorbic acid;
tetrivit - 1 tablet contains 150mg of ascorbic
acid; undevit - 1 tablet contains 75mg
ascorbic acid).
    If you notice signs of disease in dogs
should apply to the veterinary clinic.

             Feeding the dogs with a deterioration 
                  The coat 

    Dog owners often complain that their pets
deteriorates wool: it becomes brittle, inelastic,
slows its growth. There is even a patchy alopecia.
Color is losing luster, becoming dull and scruffy appearance.
In addition to the unsightly manifestations, there are changes in
behavior. Instead of a healthy gay animal, you see
before a restless creature hunted, apparently
in need of assistance. This is particularly an issue arises
the upcoming exhibition.
    First, you must identify the causes of poor
the state of wool. They may be different: too often
wash and yes even jet shampoos and chlorinated water,
improper combing of wool, the contents of the dog at
high temperature air or on the street, occasional walks
and others.
    The poor condition of hair especially spoils the view of
Dogs, like Kerry Blue Terrier, Bedlington Terrier,
Yorkshire Terrier, Russian Borzoi, poodle, schnauzer,
Chow, Airedale, big Spitz, Kai-Terrier, Dachshund
haired and longhaired, St. Bernard and others. In
conformation of these dogs well-groomed and glossy coat has
almost paramount.
    Improve the condition of hair, of course, if the reason is not
infectious disease or therapeutic, can include
in food compounds, the lack of which is
cause unsightly and painful appearance of the dog.

    Because of what are still the owners of the dogs there 
similar problems? 

    1. Small quantity of food or lack of vitamin A
makes the skin oily, dull hair. Sometimes the lack of
vitamin A deficiency leads to baldness.
    2. Redness, peeling skin, hair loss,
depigmentation are caused by lack of vitamins B2 and B3.
    3. Cause pigmentation disorders of hair is
copper deficiency.
    4. Deviation in the development of a normal (natural)
the coat - depigmentation of hair is called as
deficiencies of fat, which leads to avitaminosis A, D, E.
    5. Poor growth of wool is also possible from a lack of
    The table below shows the need for dogs in
food ingredients and, in particular, those
regulate the development of the coat. These components
italics (in the file *).
    * To restore - Vitamin A dog needs
fed fresh liver, kidneys, milk, egg, oil
butter, fortified cod liver oil, as well as drugs
retinol, microvan, trivitamin;

              The need for amino acids 
             (Per 1 kg body weight) 

| Amino acids, mg | Adults | Puppies and young-|
| | Dog | lodye dogs |
| Arginine 70 270 |
| Histidine 60250 |
| Lysine 60 210 |
| Isoleucine 80 330 |
| Leucine 110 370 |
| Valin 85300 |
| Tryptophan 15 60 |
| * Methionine 70 190 |
| Threonine 55 60 |
| Phenylalanine 65140 |
| * Cystine 60 65 |

    - Vitamin B2 - feeding and nutritional yeast, liver, and
kidney, buckwheat porridge. Preparations granetvit, Tetravit,
    - Vitamin B3 - yeast, liver, kidneys, heart
farm animals, bone meal;
    - * Copper - liver farm animals
buckwheat and oatmeal.
    Good results have to fill the copper in the body give
Drugs: ferroglyukon, glycerophosphate, glutamate,

                The need for vitamins 
             (Per 1 kg body weight) 

| Vitamins | Adults | Puppies and young-|
| | Dog | lodye dogs |
| * A (retinol), IU 100 200 |
| D (calciferol), IE July 1920 |
| E (tocopherol), mg 2 2,2 |
| K (fillohinon) mg 30 60 |
| B1 (thiamin), mg 20 30 |
| * B2 (riboflavin), mg 40 90 |
| * B3 (pantoktenovaya |
| Acid), CIM 50200 |
| B4 (nicotine |
| Acid), CIM 240400 |
| B6 (pyridoxine), mg 20 50 |
| B12 (cyanocobalamin), |
| CIM 0.7 0.7 |
| Folacin (folic |
| Acid), CIM August 1915 |
| H (biotin), mg 0.5 0.5 |
| C (ascorbic |
| Acid), mg 1 1 |

    To improve the coat can be included in
dietary unsaturated fatty acids. Best of
sources are vegetable oils in-kind
or in soft margarines.

      Need a dog in minerals 
            (Per 1 kg body weight): 

| Mineral real-| Adults | Puppies and young-|
| Properties mg | Dogs | lodye dogs |
| Calcium 264 528 |
| Phosphorus 220 440 |
| Sodium 60 120 |
| Chlorine 180 440 |
| Potassium 220 440 |
| Magnesium November 1922 |
| Iron 1.32 1.32 |
| * Copper 0.16 0.16 |
| Cobalt 0.05 0.05 |
| Zinc 0.11 0.2 |
| Manganese 0.11 0.2 |

           Optimal demand for food 
      components (per 1 kg body weight): 

| | Adults | Puppies and young-|
| | Dog | lodye dogs |
| Protein 4,5 g 9g |
| Fat 1,3 g 2,6 g |
| Vitamin A 100-200 IU 100-200 IU |
| Vitamin B2 40 mg 1990 CIM |
| Vitamin B3 50 CIM 200 CIM |
| Copper 160mgk (Pot-160 CIM |
| Rebnost in copper |
| More increase-|
| Decreases in the puppies, |
| Generalized and lacto-|
| Peting females) |

    In too much oil can cause diarrhea,
so limit small additions every other day
based on the optimal requirements, calculated on the size
dogs. Vegetable oil not only enhances the status
wool, but the overall condition of the dog.


    To a very large dog breeds are as follows:
    blandhaund, malamute, Bern shepherd, mastiff,
Retriever, Newfoundland, Wolfhound, Russian Borzoi,
Hungarian shepherd, Giant Schnauzer, Deerhound, Rottweiler,
dog, dalmatian, Leonberger.
    Very large breeds of dogs are used as
herding (for herding sheep in the daytime), escort
(Border protection, office space and apartments)
hunting, sports and family, puppies are very large
rocks, in contrast to the smaller dogs in the period
intensive growth from 1.5 to 8 months of age need
in an increased amount of protein in food. Per 1 kg of body weight
puppies of these breeds is required 13.5 g protein, 9 grams instead of how to
other breeds. In this case the pups after weaning in the diet
give more meat (raw lean beef, cooked chicken)
as an additive fed cheese, sodium caseinate,
grated cheese, 2-3 eggs per week.
    A nursing bitch very large breeds should receive
food 2-3 times more protein than in ordinary time (in
period of rest), to compensate the loss of protein from milk to
growing puppies.
    Breeding stock in preparation for breeding,
schennosti and lactation increases the amount of energy in
1,5-2 times, 20-70% of protein, fat and easily digestible
Carbohydrates - 10-25%, vitamins - 2 times, mineral
elements - by 30-50%.

       The amount of energy and nutrients 
 required a very large dog breeds, depending 
                of body weight, per day:

+------------------------------------------------- +
| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |---------------------------|
| | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 |
|------------------------------------------------- |
| Energy, kJ 7930 8720 9600 1025 0 |
| Protein, g 157 180 202 225 |
| Fat, g 45 52 58 65 |
| Starch, |
| Sugar, g 325 372 418 465 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 28 32 36 40 |
| Calcium, mg 9.2 10.5 11.8 13.2 |
| Phosphorus, mg 7.7 8.8 10.0 11 |
| Vitamin A, IU 3500 4000 4500 5000 |
| Vitamin D, IU 240 280 320 350 |
| Vitamin E, mg 70 80 90 100 |
| Vitamin B1, IE 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 |
| Vitamin B5, IE 8.4 9.6 10.8 12 |
+------------------------------------------------- +

    In dogs, the service rocks, do more physical
load demand increases: energy 30% protein -
50% fat - 15% starch and sugar - 30%
Compared with dogs in a period of rest.
    Dogs are very large breeds daily ration fed
in two steps, in the office 2-3. When power is three times
major portion of food given at noon.

         The daily need of service dogs 
     very large species for nutrients, 
             depending on body weight: 

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |-------------------|
| | 40 | 50 | 60 |
| Energy, kJ 11340 13325 14280 |
| Protein, g 270 337 405 |
| Fat, g 60 74 90 |
| Starch, sugar, g 473 604 825 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 32 40 48 |

    Cook a thick soup or gruel of oats, barley
cereals or millets. Part of the meat used for soup, the
which prepare the soup with barley and vegetables. Cooked meat
fed separately.

        Sample diets adult dogs are 
              large breeds (per day) of: 

| Food | Body Weight, kg |
| |---------------------|
| | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 |
| Meat (beef, bar-550580600620 |
| Nina, etc. |
| Bread (wheat, rye-150180200220 |
| Wheat bread, biscuits) |
| Groats (oats, 180 220 250 250 |
| Millet, etc.) |
| Potatoes, vegetables and 250 250 300 300 |
| Green |
| Bone meal 11 12 13 14 |
| Salt 11 12 13 14 |
| Multivitamins (liquid |
| A 1-2 drops |

    Dogs thrive, gaining ground meat or
cut into chunks raw meat mixed with galetnoy crumbs.
Rottweilers are prone to obesity, so the number
starchy materials (cereals, bread, biscuits) in the diet strictly
normalized. They love cutting raw meat and a large crude
    Bread, biscuits, bone meal, salt, vitamins and partially
meat in the diet is very large breeds of dogs can be replaced
dry prepared food with vitamin-mineral premix
"Puppy Dog".
    For adult dogs in herding sheep farms
use the following standard diet: meat and edible offal
400-500g, 500g of cereals, bread - 100g, vegetables - 200g,
meat and bone meal - 10g, and table salt - 20g per day.
    Shepherd dogs can be fed cooked meat
forced to slaughtered animals. In this case, the broth
cooked cereal, bread and crumbled to make a broth. Cattle
dogs love carcass gophers and marmots.
    These dogs require intensive full Bole
feeding in early spring and autumn.
    On hot days, can be eliminated from the diet of meat and
by-products and replace them with milk, bread and vegetables. In
cold weather in the diet, in addition to meat, added animal
fat, at noon, give a big boiled bone.
    In summer, herding dogs weighing 35-40kg
can feed on the following exemplary diet:
    Ration 1. Soup meat. Meat and offal - 300g, grits -
400g, vegetables - and salt 200g - 15g per day.
    Diet 2. Cereal with milk. Groats 400g, Milk - 500g,
salt - 15g per day.
    Ration 3. Milk and bread. Milk - 1 liter, the bread - 500g and
salt - 15g per day.
    Very large breeds of dogs can be fed canned food. In
this case, the wet canned food with nutritional value
approximately 100g 570kDzh energy feed, give the following
amount per day (in grams):

| Physiological | Body Weight, kg |
| |----------------------| Condition of the dog
| | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 |
| The dormant period 1310 1450 1580 1710 |
| Females at 6-7 |
| Week schennosti 1440 1600 1740 1900 |
| Females at 8-9 |
| Week schennosti 1970 2180 2380 2580 |
| Females at 1-2 |
| Week of lactation 2360 2600 2850 3090 |
| Females at 3-4 |
| Week of lactation 3280 3630 3960 4290 |
| Females at 5-6 |
| Week of lactation 2630 2900 3170 3430 |

    When feeding dry dog ​​canned food, the rate of wet
canned goods decreased by about a factor of 2. While watching
so that the dog at any time could drink water. Translate
dog with a wet (liquid) food on a dry and gradually.
Initially, the best new food mixed with the usual
    German Shepherd, Dalmatian, Boxer, and other
required per day 1,5-2 standard (British) diet.
Giant Schnauzer, Malamutes, Rottweilers, bobtail, blandhaundu,
mastiff, Saint Bernard, Newfoundland and others - 2-2,5 diet
consisting of 250g of meat, bread or oatmeal, bone meal,
cod liver oil and multivitamins in liquid form.

BREAST large breeds

    For large breeds include:
    Afghan Hound, Clumber Spaniel, Bobtail, Collie, Boxer,
langhaar, briar, Shepherd (German, Belgian, Greyhound,
gryunendal, Dutch Herder), Foxhound, Pointer,
Dobermans, Spaniels (Irish, American, English,
ivisskaya dog), Dunker, sluggi, Setter, Chow et al
    Large breeds are mainly used as offices,
as well as sports and amateur.
    Particular attention is feeding the puppies of large breeds in
period of rapid growth in pay to protein nutrition. Necessary
for the growth of proteins puppies get, mainly in the meat. For
young puppies from raw lean meat (beef), cooked
skoblenku that enable them to form small balls. As
only the puppies will have their own, the meat can be given
and not too lean. Skoblenku pups fed with
2,5-week-old and 3 weeks of meat can be given in
the form of minced meat. With 3 months of age fed beef in
form of pieces of size 2.5 cm and larger. In this age
Puppies can be fed as mutton. Rabbit meat and
give only boiled chicken with a 4-weeks.

        Need for puppies and young dogs of
       rocks in the energy and nutrients in
         Depending on the age (in grams):

| Weight | Ener-| Protein | Fat | Starch | Kletcha-|
| Body, | energy, | r | r | sugar, i | webs, r |
| Kg | KJ | | | | |
| Age of puppies from 1.5 to 3 months. |
| 3 2950 27 8 42 3 |
| 5 4850 45 13 70 8 |
| 7 6790 63 18 98 11 |
| Age of puppies from 3 to 8 months. |
| 8 5680 72 21 112 12 |
| 10 7100 90 26 140 15 |
| 12 8520 108 32 168 18 |
| Age of puppies from 8 to 13 months. |
| 14 7280 126 36 196 21 |
| 16 8320 114 42 224 24 |
| 18 9360 162 47 252 27 |

    Offal (tripe) are thoroughly washed and chopped
chopped, and large raw bones to give 4 weeks.
Lungs, spleen, kidney and liver (in small quantities)
fed with 6 months of age. Chicken head and neck
especially valuable for the hounds and greyhounds puppies give off
6 months of age.
    Wet canned puppies of large breeds begin to give a
3 months of age, dried food concentrates - to 3-x
weeks, soy meat substitutes - to 4-weeks. Ham,
sausage from the diet to exclude.
    Cooked fish can be fed at 4-weeks. Eggs
boiled in the form of omelets, cottage cheese, grated cheese,
kefir and yogurt make with 3,5 weeks, whole milk - with 8
weeks, tea with milk - to 5 weeks.
    Necessary for the growth of carbohydrates puppies get through
stale bread, cereals and potatoes. Bread fed with
3.5 weeks, ready-made baby cereal - 3 weeks, cooked
oats, millet, rice, etc. - to 5 weeks, dried
baby, sweet cookies - to 4-week, biscuits - with 3
months, rosehip syrup (for lack of vitamin C) - with
3.5 weeks, boiled potatoes - with 3 months, carrots,
cabbage and other vegetables are cooked - with 6 months of age.
    Breeding stock in preparation for breeding,
knitting schennosti and lactation, the amount of energy and
nutrients usually increased.
    For a multiple dog breeds such as Labradors or
Irish setters, bitches which fetch 10-14 pups
amount of protein, minerals and vitamins during
schennosti and lactation increases more than usual.
    Service breeds dogs carrying the large physical
load, you must also give the food high
amount of energy, protein, fat and carbohydrate as compared with
dogs during rest.

     Adult dogs of large breeds during the rest
       requires the following amount of energy and
      nutrients depending on weight
                     body weight per day:

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |---------------------|
| | 22 | 26 | 30 |
| Energy, kJ 6180 6770 7050 |
| Protein, g 100 117 135 |
| Fat, g 28 34 39 |
| Starch, |
| Sugar, g 204 242 280 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 18 21 24 |
| Calcium, mg 5.8 6.8 7.9 |
| Phosphorus, mg 4.8 5.7 6.6 |
| Vitamin A, IU 2200 2600 3000 |
| Vitamin D, IU 154 182 210 |
| Vitamin E, mg 44 52 60 |
| Vitamin B1, IE 0.44 0.52 0.6 |
| Vitamin B5, IE 5 6.2 7.2 |

        The daily need of adult service
      large breeds of energy and nutrients

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |-------------------|
| | 25 | 30 |
| Energy, kJ 8030 9165 |
| Protein, g 168 202 |
| Fat, g 37 44 |
| Starch, sugar, g 300 360 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 20 24 |

    Daily ration of adult dogs in a period of rest
fed in two stages: in the morning and evening. Half
rate of raw meat yield, preferably with a biscuit, a second
half - boiled. Prepare a thick soup broth and liquid
porridge. In the cold season in the cereal added animal fat
number of 15-30g per day.

          Approximate daily diet of adults
             large breeds are as follows:

| Food | Body Weight, kg |
| |---------------------|
| | 22 | 26 | 30 |
| Meat (beef, bar-380450520 |
| Nina, etc. |
| Bread (wheat, rye 100 12 120 |
| Wheat bread, biscuits) |
| Groats (oats, 100,130,140 |
| Millet, etc.) |
| Potatoes, vegetables and 200 220 250 |
| Green |
| Bone meal 8 September 1910 |
| Salt 8 September 1910 |
| Multivitamins (liquid |
| A 1 drop |

    The diet of bread, biscuits, grits, bone meal, cookbook
salt and vitamins, as well as a piece of meat can be replaced by ready
dry food, "Puppy Dog" with a vitamin-mineral premix.
    In the absence of meat in the diet can include milk and
dairy products. In this case the milk is fed with bread
or biscuits.
    Large breeds such as Poodles, Spaniels
(American, English, Irish) Elkhound (Swedish)
ivisskaya dog and others on a daily basis requires 1,5-2 standard
(British) diet. Clumber Spaniel Foxhound
(English, American), sluggi (Arabian Greyhound), Afghan,
Greyhound (English greyhound), Doberman, Collie, German
Pointing (langhaar, drathaar, kurzhaar), setter, sheepdog
(German, Belgian-gryunendal, Dutch Herder) and
others require 2-2,5 standard diet.
    The standard diet of dog breeds Foxhound addition to the
meat is a thick porridge, called
"Pudding." The day before the hunt Foxhound usually not
    The standard diet ivisskoy dogs add the fish and
fruit. Dog Breed Greyhound during their participation on the run
feed, usually 2 times a day - early morning and about 6 hours
pm. Instead of the standard diet fed 350g of beef
minced or chopped pieces of meat mixed with 450g
galetnoy flour and filled with bone broth. Greyhounds
accustomed to a more liquid diet. They love breakfast consisting
a thick slice of black bread, crumbled into milk (1
glass), and for dinner have a bit of milk and two large biscuits
    Dog breed Airedale Terrier are prone to overeating
so you should watch for changes in the weight of their body and if
shows signs of obesity, we must reduce the amount of grain
or biscuits.
    Dog breed Doberman useful in the standard diet
add, especially in winter, yeast tablets and cod liver oil.
They thrive when they are given raw meat.
German Shepherd loves corn flakes.
    Chow-chow of offal offal prefer that
before feeding very thoroughly washed, and chicken
and lean beef. They thrive by getting in
ration of rice porridge.
    When feeding canned or other ready-feed
dry daily dose of canned reduced in 2 times. Dry
ready to feed can soak in water, milk or broth
You can give dry dog ​​with free access to drinking

       When feeding large breeds wet
         canned food they are given, depending on the
  body weight, in the following doses (in grams per day):

| Physiological | Body Weight, kg |
| |--------------------| Condition of the dog
| | 22 | 26 | 30 |
| The dormant period 1000 1100 1170 |
| Females at 6-7 |
| Week schennosti 1050 1200 1300 |
| Females at 8-9 |
| Week schennosti 1300 1600 1800 |
| Females at 1-2 |
| Week of lactation 1650 1850 2100 |
| Females at 3-4 |
| Week of lactation 2360 2600 2900 |
| Females at 5-6 |
| Week of lactation 1950 2100 2300 |

    In the group housing of dogs in
nurseries or special teams equipped kitchen for
cooking. Sample rations for unemployed
dogs in the kennel:
    Ration of 1: Meat and offal - 250g, Milk - 500g,
Groats - 300g, vegetables - 100 g of fish oil - 20g, salt
- 10g per day. Of the products of this diet cook meat soup.
Milk fed separately for 2-3.
    Ration of 2: Milk - 500g, cereals - 300g, vegetables - 100 g,
reverse - 300g, fish oil - 20g, sl sodium - 10g in
day. On this diet is prepared with milk porridge
vegetables and boiled separately provide the reverse with crumbled
    Diet 3: contact - 500g, cottage cheese - 500 grams, bread - 150g,
flour - 300g, fish oil - and salt 20g - 10g in
day. On this diet in reverse boiled add the flour and
carefully stir during cooking. Cottage cheese with bread
fed separately.
    Ration 4: Milk - 1 liter, the bread - 200g, flour - 400g, fish
fat - 20g, salt - 10g per day. On this diet
whole milk poured flour and cook soup, adding in
before feeding it crumbled bread.

            Sample rations for adults
         working dogs for the week:

    1, 3, 5 and 7 days a week - oatmeal - 600g,
carrots and cabbage - 200g, meat and bone meal - 50g,
    at 2, 4, 6 days a week Millet - 600g potatoes - 200g,
fish meal - 50g.
    all the days of the week meat - 400g, animal fat - 25g, salt and
Cooking - 15g per day.

    On these diets out of the meat and bones are boiled broth
3-4 times a week, part of the meat is fed raw.
In broth poured cereal and put the potatoes. In the cooled soup
add fresh herbs, carrots and supplements, and raw
meat, cut into small pieces.
    Most often for dogs prepared food in
a thick soup, porridge and liquid (mash). Before distribution
feed it cooled to a temperature of 30-35C and in summer
to the outside air temperature in the shade. Each dog
must ensure that an individual feeder and poylushkoy.
    This condition is of great importance for the protection of
dogs from infectious and parasitic diseases. Office
Dogs should be fed 2 times a day - morning and evening: for
1-2 hours before work and 1 hour after its completion.
Feeding time set according to the regulations
working dogs: if the dog is only early in the morning, her
advisable to feed the first time - on his return from work
after the dog has previously rested, and the second time
- In the evening.
    Guard dogs, put up roadblocks at night
time, fed for the first time in the evening 2 hours before the issuing of
to the post and the second time in the morning, after removing the dog from his post and
its subsequent relaxation.
    In terms of the individual contents of dogs
a significant part of their daily diet may be
leftover food from the family table.
    In field conditions, when cooking is impossible,
dogs are fed grain, various biscuits,
canned and dry concentrates. How to handle the biscuits
and concentrates, as well as their nutritional value is usually
stated in their accompanying manuals. On the road
following feeding of dogs is possible with bread, bread and milk,
bread and water crackers and biscuits, crumbled in the water.
    Biscuits are a simple and bold (containing 10-15%
butter or margarine). Simple biscuit can
completely replaced in the diets of bread and fat - some of the food
animal origin. Biscuits come in different sizes and
form. For example, large dry biscuits (scones) give
large dogs for the development of the jaws, small biscuits
different odors provide dogs for the promotion and play in the search
things, biscuits in the shape of bones are suitable for a hike and the growing
dogs as a supplement between feedings, baby galetnaya
is a good addition to any meat product.


    By the dog of medium breeds include:
    Bulldog, Pinscher, Beagle, Spaniel (Brittany), Bassett,
Terrier (Irish), Bull Terrier, Whippet, Border Collie,
Field Spaniel, Kerry Blue Terrier, Cocker Spaniel, Sheltie,
bullet Spitz (Finnish, Japanese).
    Dogs of these breeds are used as the hounds, hunting,
herding, sporting and decorative.
    Some dogs (basset and others) are
growing, so they feed a puppy
need particular attention.
    Indicators of good nutrition and normal development
puppies are time change of milk teeth to permanent.
First, at the age of 3.5 months, start to vary average
incisors. Then there is a change of extreme incisors and canines.
Lozhnokorennye teeth vary in age of 5-6 months. Puppies
at 7 months of age should grow all her teeth. Poor growth
teeth, their weakness and fragility of enamel show
poor development of the puppy that, in most
cases is associated with deficiencies in the diet of minerals and
    The delay of growth and development fast-growing species
may occur due to infection of puppies with worms that
often happens in the womb. If a strong infection
worms in puppy observed swellings, large and dense on
touch the abdomen.

        Need for puppies and young dogs of
       rocks in the energy and nutrients in
             aged 1.5 to 13 months

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |-----------------------| Substance
| | 6 | 8 | 10 |
| Energy, kJ 2180 2710 3140 |
| Protein, g 27 36 45 |
| Fat, g 7.8 10.4 13 |
| Starch, |
| Sugar, g 56 74 93 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 8.4 4.6 8 |
| Calcium, mg 1.6 2.1 2.6 |
| Phosphorus, mg 1.3 1.8 2.2 |
| Vitamin A, IU 600 800 1000 |
| Vitamin D, IU 42 56 70 |
| Vitamin E, mg 16 December 1920 |
| Vitamin B1, IE 0.12 0.16 0.2 |
| Vitamin B5, IE 1.4 1.9 2.4 |

    In this case should go to the vet and spend
deworming. In the absence of significant
infection it is best done at the age of 1,5-2 months. In
Puppies are easier to carry drugs than in more
    Breeding stock in preparation for breeding,
knitting schennosti and lactation increases the amount of energy
1,5 times, 20-70% protein, fat, carbohydrate
10-25%, vitamins, a factor of 2 and mineral elements in
30-50% than in the table below.

       Adult dogs in a period of rest required
      The following amounts of energy and nutrients
     substances per day, depending on body weight:

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |---------------------|
| | 12 | 16 | 20 |
| Energy, kJ 4120 4900 5200 |
| Protein, g 54 72 90 |
| Fat, g 16 21 26 |
| Starch, |
| Sugar, g 112 150 186 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 13 October 1916 |
| Calcium, mg 3.2 4.2 5.3 |
| Phosphorus, mg 2.6 3.5 4.4 |
| Vitamin A, IU 1200 1600 2000 |
| Vitamin D, IU 85115140 |
| Vitamin E, mg 24 32 40 |
| Vitamin B1, IE 0.24 0.32 0.4 |
| Vitamin B5, IE 3 3.8 4.8 |

    Dogs who performs physical activity needed
additional nutrients. Muscle work
leads to an increase in flow in the body of energy and
nutrients. The heavier the work done
dogs, the need for nutrients
more. The amount of energy it takes to perfect
work depends on the degree natrenirovannosti dogs
eliminates unnecessary movement of fatigue, at which
vital activity greatly reduced, as well as
individual properties of dog breeds, constitution, etc.
    Easy operation increases the cost of a service dog
energy by about 30%, average - 1,5-2 times,
Heavy - 3 times compared with the need Broken
    The diet of a service dog for an average load
amount of protein should be about 30% higher than
the dog is at rest, with at least 30% protein
the dog should get in meat and offal. With a lack of
carbohydrates in the diet of working dog lose weight. The less
service dog fat diet, the greater the
contain carbohydrates.

        The daily need of adult service
      medium breeds of dogs in the energy and nutrients

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |-------------------|
| | 15 | 20 |
| Energy, kJ 5600 6760 |
| Protein, g 100 135 |
| Fat, g 22 30 |
| Starch, sugar, g 180 240 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 12 16 |

    Average daily ration of dog breeds fed two
admission. Piece of meat yield in raw form, the other part
fed in soup or lightly cooked meat yield pieces
with bread or biscuits.
    Replacement of meat by-products produced by caloric content.
Usually when you switch to the diet-products - of
farm animals (lung, heart, kidney,
liver, etc.), their number is growing about twice as
against the norm of meat. Piece of meat can be replaced by fish.

            Approximate daily rations of dogs
              medium breeds (in grams):

| Food | Body Weight, kg |
| |---------------------|
| | 12 | 16 | 20 |
| Meat (lean beef 180 220 370 |
|, And other by-products: |
| Liver, lungs, etc.) |
| Bread (wheat, rye-50 60 100 |
| Wheat bread, biscuits) |
| Groats (oats, 40 50 80 |
| Millet, etc.) |
| Potatoes, vegetables and 100 150 200 |
| Green |
| Bone meal 2 3 7 |
| Salt 2 2.8 7 |
| Trivitamin (in oil) 1 drop a day |
| Vitamin B complex 1 capsule per week |

    Bread fed a rye-wheat bread is better stale. Bread,
biscuits, grits, bone meal, salt, vitamins and some meat
You can substitute dry prepared food, "Puppy Dog"
production Agrofirma Volosovo "Leningrad region.
This feed contains a full-fledged products
vitamin-mineral premix designed to
St. Petersburg Academy of Veterinary Medicine. In
of dry food contains corn and wheat flour,
Soybean meal, milk, meat and bone meal, yeast,
Vitamins A, D, E, K, and the whole complex of B vitamins, as well as
trace elements: iron, copper, cobalt, manganese, zinc and
iodine. In 100g of the finished feed "Puppy Dog" contains 1320 kJ
energy, 21 g protein and 6 to 10g of fat.
    In the winter period to increase the food energy in the diet
dogs include animal fat in an amount of 10-25g in
    Vegetables often give beets, carrots, cabbage, and
and potatoes, which are fed into a thick soup
brewed with barley broth.
    In spring and early summer the dogs useful to give young
nettles, sorrel, lettuce and other young grass in the raw
finely as podmeshivaya grass to the soup.
    Monotonous food greatly reduces its digestibility.
This implies that feed the dog must be diversified.
This is achieved by a change in meat products, cereals and vegetables. Food
should be tasty and pleasing to smell, because taste and smell
cooked food has a positive effect on digestion and
uptake of nutrients of the diet.
    When feeding medium breeds of dogs wet canned food,
cans are fed according to body weight
the following doses (in grams per day):

| Physiological | Body Weight, kg |
| |--------------------| Condition of the dog
| | 12 | 16 | 20 |
| The dormant period 630 750 860 |
| Females at 6-7 |
| Week schennosti 700 870 950 |
| Females at 8-9 |
| Week schennosti 850 1100 1300 |
| Females at 1-2 |
| Week of lactation 1000 1260 1550 |
| Females at 3-4 |
| Week of lactation 1290 1850 2160 |
| Females at 5-6 |
| Week of lactation 1050 1400 1720 |

    When feeding canned food in dry form or another
ready to feed the daily dose of canned reduced in 2 times.
In this case, the dog must be continuously drinking
    Translate dog to a new and unfamiliar to her food,
implemented gradually. Best new food
mixed with the usual diet as long as it does not replace
all the old food.
    Dogs medium breeds, such as the Field Spaniel
Bull Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, English Bulldog, Pomeranian,
basset hound, and others on a daily basis is required to give 1-1,5
Standard (British) diet. It consists of: 250g
raw or cooked meat with stale or gray
black bread (porridge), 1 teaspoon of sterilized bone meal
and 1 drop of fresh fish oil or liquid multivitamins.
Bull weighing more than 20kg need 2 standard
ration. English bulldog to a standard diet
add a portion of sponge cake as a separate meal.
    Winter to maintain condition English bulldog
recommended for daily teaspoon of cod liver oil.
Feed the bulldog is recommended after a walk to better
digested food until the dog is asleep.


    For dogs are small breeds
    velsh terrier, poodle (miniature)
Dendy Dinmont Terrier, Scottish Terrier, Cair Terrier
silihem Terrier, Lhasa AFS, dachshund, pug, fox terrier,
nakthunde, yagd Terrier, etc.
    Dogs are small breeds can be used in
the service, hunting and sports business, as well as the main
manner as room and decorative animals.

          Daily requirement of adult dogs
   small rocks in the energy and nutrient

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |-------------------| Substance
| | 6 | 8 | 10 |
| Energy, kJ 2180 2710 3140 |
| Protein, g 27 36 45 |
| Fat, g 7.8 10.4 13 |
| Starch and |
| Sugar, g 56 74 93 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 8.4 4.6 8 |
| Calcium, mg 1.6 2.1 2.6 |
| Phosphorus, mg 1.3 1.8 2.2 |
| Vitamin A, IU 600 800 1000 |
| Vitamin D, IU 42 56 70 |
| Vitamin E, mg 16 December 1920 |
| Vitamin B1, IE 0.12 0.16 0.2 |
| Vitamin B5, IE 1.4 1.9 2.4 |

 Need for puppies and young dogs of small breeds
  energy (food) per 1 kg of ashes in the middle

| 1.5-3 months | 970 kJ |
| 3-4 months | 710 kJ |
| 4-8 months | 520 kJ |
| 8-13 months | 420 kJ |
| | |

    Puppies and young dogs of these breeds require 9g protein,
Fat - 2.6 g, starch and sugar and 14g fat - 1.5g
per 1 kg of body weight.
    Breeding stock in preparation for breeding,
knitting schennosti and lactation amount of energy (food)
increased by 1,5-2 times, the protein - 20-70%, fat and
carbohydrate - 10-25%, vitamins - 2 times
and mineral elements by 30-50% compared with dogs
period of rest. The demand for energy (food) for service
Dogs also increases if they are large

        The demand for energy in dogs
                   small breeds:

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |---------------------|
| | 6 | 8 | 10 |
| Energy, kJ 2835 3525 4080 |
| Protein, g 40 54 67 |
| Fat, g 12 September 1915 |
| Starch and |
| Sugar, i 73 96 120 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 5 7 8 |

       Composition of the daily diet, depending on the
               body mass (in grams):

| Food | Body Weight, kg |
| Products |-------------------|
| | 6 | 8 | 10 |
| Meat (lean |
| Beef) 180220250 |
| Milk and dairy-|
| Nye products 80100100 |
| Bread, biscuits 50 60 70 |
| Krupa (oatmeal, |
| Millet) 40 50 60 |
| Potato and |
| Vegetables 100 150 150 |
| Bone meal 2 3 4 |
| Salt 2 2.8 3.5 |
| Trivitamin |
| (In oil) 1 drop a day |
| Vitamins 1 capsule per week |
| Group B |

    Food diet dogs small breeds are fed into
a thick soup and liquid meals.
    Soup with barley and vegetables cooked in meat broth. Meat from
broth give separately, mix it with biscuits. Absolutely
must be raw, lean meat, cut into small
slices. Helpful to the bone, except for tubular
chicken and those who break into sharp shards.
    Porridge cooked with milk and egg. From dairy products for
Dogs useful cheese.
    Mineral supplements and vitamins are fed with
soup or porridge.
    Do not give dogs cakes, sweet biscuits and other
Sweets, which is why they go bad teeth.
    Some dogs of these breeds, such as the Pug, Lhasa
Apso, Dachshund, Cairne Terrier, and others, it is dangerous to overfeed.
When they are overfed the elegant cheerful dogs
converted into fat and short-lived.
    Dogs who are prone to obesity, fed 3 / 4
standard ration per day, dogs of other breeds
This group provide a full ration.
    When feeding the dogs of small breeds of wet canned
they are fed, depending on body weight,
the following doses (in grams per day):

| Physiological | Body Weight, kg |
| |-------------------| Condition of the dog
| | 6 | 8 | 10 |
| The dormant period 350 430 510 |
| Females at 6-7 |
| Week schennosti 380 480 560 |
| Females at 8-9 |
| Week schennosti 520 650 770 |
| Females at 1-2 |
| Week of lactation 630 780 920 |
| Females at 3-4 |
| Week of lactation 870 1080 1280 |
| Females at 5-6 |
| Week of lactation 700 870 1030 |

    When feeding canned food to dry feed dose
decreases by about a factor of 2.
    Translate a dog with a liquid (wet feed) on a dry
food should be gradually over 2-3 weeks. If
food is fully given in dry form, fresh drinking water
should be available for dogs at any time of day.
    Feeding canned food is carried out in small portions.
The daily dose is advisable to divide into 3-4 servings. Food
heated to a temperature no higher (38-39C). If the dog
10-15 minutes is not eaten posited her portion of canned food,
they should be removed.
    Basic diet fed at noon.


    Before proceeding to the presentation of this material,
believe it is worth mentioning that the proposed rations
feeding the dogs of breeds based on the separation of dogs
in size (body size).

| Very small | 1 to 5kg |
| Small | 5 to 10kg |
| Average | 10 to 20kg |
| Major | From 20 to 30kg |
| Very Large | of 30 kg and more |


    Dogs are very small breeds in most cases,
belong to the room, decorative animals.
    This family fun, causing a special affection
dogs include:
    lapdog, poodle (dwarf), griffon, spaniel
(Tibetan), Yorkshire Terrier, Dachshund (dwarf), kernterer,
King Charles spaniel, toy spaniel, pug, chihuahua, pinscher
(Dwarf), Chin (Japanese), Pekingese, Pomeranian (dwarf) and
many others.
    They are distinguished by gentle addition and require careful
care. Very small dogs are often capricious in food, but
responsible, as a rule, not the dogs, and spoiled
their hosts.
    Buying a puppy dog ​​breeds is very small,
must be borne in mind that an artificially bring up a puppy
almost impossible. Therefore, fans
family dogs must purchase a puppy at the age of not
under the age of 2-2,5 months.
    Need for puppies and young dogs of these breeds in the energy
and nutrients is small. For example, pup weight
Body 100g per day requires about 100 kJ of energy, about 1 g
protein, 0.37 fat, 1.5g carbohydrate (starch and
sugar), 0.2g fiber, 53mg calcium, 44mg phosphorus, 20 IU
Vitamin A and 2 IU of vitamin D.
    Puppies and young dogs of these breeds are usually fed with milk
and dairy products, give a small amount of crude
lean fresh meats, gradually accustom to the soup and porridge.

        Daily requirement for dogs of these breeds in

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |-------------------| Substance
| | 1 | 3 | 5 |
| Energy, kJ 590 1320 1900 |
| Protein, g 4.5 13.5 22.5 |
| Fat, g 3.1 4 6.5 |
| Starch and |
| Sugar, 9.3 g 28 46.5 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 0.8 2.4 4.02 |
| Calcium, mg 26 80 132 |
| Phosphorus, mg 22 66 110 |
| Vitamin A, IU 100 300 500 |
| Vitamin D, IU 21 July 1935 |
| Vitamin E mg 2 June 1910 |

    Starting about 8 months of age, these dogs
rocks must normalize the food in accordance with their
demand for energy and nutrients.
    In breeding dogs in preparation for breeding,
knitting schennosti and lactation the need for energy (food)
increased by 1,5-2 times, the protein - 20-70%, fat - on
10-25% carbohydrate - 10-25% vitamins - 2 times
minerals - by 30-50% compared with
the need for a period of rest and is as follows:

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |-------------------| Substance
| | 1 | 3 | 5 |
| Energy, kJ 1150 2480 3400 |
| Protein, g 8.5 19.3 27.5 |
| Fat, g 1.5 4.7 7.5 |
| Starch and |
| Sugar, 32 g 10.7 52.5 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 0.9 2.7 4.62 |
| Calcium, mg 36113182 |
| Phosphorus, mg 32 91 143 |
| Vitamin A, IU 200 450 1000 |
| Vitamin D, IU 14 42 70 |
| Vitamin E, mg 12 April 1920 |

         Composition of the daily diet of dogs is very
                   small breeds:

| Food | Body Weight, kg |
| Products |-------------------|
| | 1 | 3 | 5 |
| Meat (lean |
| Beef) 80100150 |
| Milk and dairy-|
| Nye products 30 50 80 |
| Wheat bread, |
| Biscuits October 1940 50 |
| Krupa (semolina, |
| Rice, etc.) October 30, 1940 |
| Vegetables 20 50 100 |
| Bone meal 0.5 1 2 |
| Salt 0.3 1 1.7 |
| Vitamin A |
| (Retinol, etc) 1 drop a day |
| Vitamin D (in |
| Oil) 1 drop 2 times |
| Week |

    The main part of the meat fed in raw form, the remainder
- Cooked. As bread is better to give biscuits
mixing them with pieces of meat or milk.
    Gruel cooked in milk, bone meal to give
crushed biscuits and meat, vitamins
added to the porridge. Steamed vegetables and herbs rub up
mushy state and fed as a mash,
which is prepared with cream or sour cream. Instead, vitamin D
You can give vitamins fish oil 1 drop through
day. In the diet can include an egg a day. Egg better
feed in the form of an omelette. Also on the milk with egg cooked
concentrated gruel.
    If the dogs of these breeds to feed the English method, the
per day fed by 1 / 3 to 3 / 4 (often 1 / 2)
standard diet consisting of 250g of cooked meat or
raw with the addition of stale gray or brown bread
(Cereal), 1 tsp of sterilized bone meal and 1 drop
Fresh fish oil or liquid multivitamins.
    Canned Dogs is very small breeds weighing up to 1kg is not
yield. Approximate daily rate of wet canned food, for example,
"Pedigree" dog weighing 4 kg - 260g. In the case of
Feeding dry dog ​​canned food, the dose is reduced
about 2 times. If food is fed dry,
fresh drinking water should be available for dogs at any
time of day.
    Dog breeds require a vermillion Bole rich
protein foods as opposed to large breeds, which can
Bole to eat roughage. Therefore, to the diet,
consisting of canned food, add a small amount
cottage cheese (10-20g per day).
    As usual diet hairless dog breeds such as
dwarf dachshund, Brussels Griffon, English
Toy, Miniature Pinscher and others should be added
small amount of vegetable oil twice a week.
    Not recommended to give the dogs candy because
they often lose their teeth very early (sometimes reaching
3 years of age).
    Particularly vulnerable to damage teeth dog breeds
Yorkshire Terrier, King Charles Spaniel, etc.
    Appetite for small breeds of dogs are strictly individual.
Feed it to be small portions of at least 3 times
    Basic diet given at noon.


Feeding dogs girls

    Average duration of schennosti (pregnant) girls dogs
is 62-63 days (with variations from 58 to 66 days).
    Fecundity dogs girls varies among different species and depends on
age, feeding conditions and content. The average birth
6.3 pups (varying from 1 to 10), in females service breeds
born, on average, 6-7 pups, but there are times when
Dog girls bring 10-12, and sometimes up to 20 pups.
    Pregnancy and multiple pregnancy in dogs girls define some
characteristics of their feeding. The development of fertilized egg
depends primarily on the influx of dietary nutrients
substances. Therefore, good nutrition is a generalized dogs girls
a prerequisite for normal fetal development.
Poor nutrition or nutrition in an unbalanced
diets with respect to energy, protein, vitamins and
minerals leads to the death of the embryo or
Development of weak, nonviable pups. Often when
poor diet dog girls can not normally bring up
newborn puppies.
    Pregnancy causes changes throughout the body dogs girls.
External indicators of these changes is the increase in mass
body. The average body weight for the period increased schennosti
by 10-25%. Usually in the first half of pregnancy changes
in body weight are small, then the mass increases rapidly,
especially towards the end of pregnancy. Moreover, in addition to growth
fruit in the body of dogs girls occurs deposition of nutrient
materials for future lactation. Provisions set aside during
pregnancy, are important for dogs girls first time
after birth when nutrients of food are often not
cover completely the need for a dog's energy and
biologically active substances. A marked deposition of protein and
mineral substances in the fruit and body bitch starts from the end
first - start of the second trimester of pregnancy.
    Thus, during pregnancy in dogs girls there
Increased need for nutrients than
with a period of rest.
    Dogs need girls in the energy in the first half of pregnancy
increases in 1,2-1,5 times in the second - 1,5-2 times.
For example, an adult dog weighing 10kg girls in a period of rest
required daily 3140 kJ of energy, pregnant for the first
half of pregnancy - 3768-4710 kJ in the second half -
4710-6260 kJ energy. About a week before giving birth
amount of energy in the diet of dogs girls do not increase.
Accordingly, energy, increase the need for pregnant women
Dog girls in nutrients, particularly protein, minerals
and vitamins, which take into account when drawing up
feed rations.
    In the diet of pregnant dogs girls include fresh meat and
offal, milk and dairy products, various cereals,
vegetables, animal fat, vitamin and mineral supplements
drugs, as well as soft bone.

        Dogs need girls in the energy and nutrient
     substances, depending on the period schennosti:

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |------------------------|
| | 5 | 15 | 25 |
| The first half schennosti: |
| Energy, kJ 2500 5600 8000 |
| Protein, g 27 81 135 |
| Fat, g June 20, 1932 |
| Starch and sugar, Mr. 46140232 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 12 April 1920 |
| Calcium, g 2 June 1910 |
| Phosphorus, 6.1 g of 8 May |
| Vitamin A, IU 750 2200 3700 |
| Vitamin D, IU 52160260 |
| Vitamin E, mg 15 45 75 |
| The second half schennosti: |
| Energy, kJ 3200 7300 10000 |
| Protein, g 34101168 |
| Fat, g 21 July 1936 |
| Starch and sugar, Mr. 56167279 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 12 April 1920 |
| Calcium g 2.5 8 12 |
| Phosphorus, 2.2 g in July 1911 |
| Vitamin A, IU 1000 3000 5000 |
| Vitamin D, IU 70110350 |
| Vitamin E, mg 20 60 100 |

        Dogs need girls in the energy and nutrient
             Substances at rest:

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |----------------------|
| | 5 | 15 | 25 |
| Period of rest: |
| Energy, kJ 1900 4300 6200 |
| Protein, g 45 68 112 |
| Fat, g 13 20 32 |
| Starch and sugar, Mr. 93140232 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 12 August 1920 |
| Calcium g 2.6 4 6.6 |
| Phosphorus, g 2.2 3.3 5.5 |
| Vitamin A, IU 100 1500 2500 |
| Vitamin D, IU 70105175 |
| Vitamin E, mg 20 30 50 |

    In preparing the diet for dogs generalized girls
must adhere to the following approximate structure
ration (in% of the daily energy needs):

+------------------------------------------------- --- +
| Food | Period | I half | II Half |
| | Rest | schennosti | schennosti |
|------------------------------------------------- --- |
| Meat and edible offal 30 35 40 |
| Krupa (various) 40 35 30 |
| Bread 20 15 10 |
| Milk and Dairy |
| Products May 10th, 1915 |
| Vegetables 5 5 5 |
+------------------------------------------------- --- +

    In the diet of pregnant dogs devochekpolezno include liver, green vegetables,
grated carrots, bone meal, chalk, salt, iron, fish oil and
other additives.
    Should not be fed dog pregnant girls pure meat is purely
dairy rations.
    The ration of generalized dogs girls should not include too
bulky foods that cause swelling of the intestine.
Bulky food hampers breathing, is unnecessary
pressure on the uterine horn that harmful effects on the fetus.
Dog girls do not give black bread, potatoes, beans, sour
milk and the more stale products.

          Approximate daily diet of adult
        Dog girls during rest (body weight 25 kg):

+------------------------------------------------- -----+
| Meat (beef category II) and | |
| Offal | 250g |
| Groats (oats, millet, etc.) | 150g |
| Bread (wheat, wheat and rye) | 110g |
| Milk | 200g |
| Cheese | 45g |
| Sugar | 25g |
| Bone meal | 20 g |
| Trivitamin in oil | 10 drop |
| Salt | 7r |
+------------------------------------------------- -----+

          Approximate daily diet of adult
      generalized dogs girls in the first half of pregnancy
                  (Body weight 25kg):

+------------------------------------------------- -----+
| Meat (beef category II) | |
| And offal | 390g |
| Groats (oats, millet, etc.) | 100g |
| Bread (wheat, rye, wheat) | 110g |
| Milk and Dairy Products | 400g |
| Sugar | 15g |
| Bone meal | 19d |
| Cod liver oil (vitamins) | 3g |
| Kapsuvit (vitamin E) | 300mg |
| Salt | 7r |
+------------------------------------------------- -----+

          Approximate daily diet of adult
      gap girls dogs in the second half of pregnancy
                   (Body weight 27kg):

+------------------------------------------------- -----+
| Meat (beef, Category II and | |
| Offal | 600g |
| Groats (oats, millet, etc.) | 180g |
| Bread (wheat, rye, wheat) | 100g |
| Milk and Dairy Products | 700g |
| Sugar | 25g |
| Bone meal | 26d |
| Trivitamin in oil | 20 drop |
| Salt | 7r |
+------------------------------------------------- -----+

    Turbed dogs girls from the third week of pregnancy should be
to feed at least 3 times, and from 6 weeks - at least 4
once a day. Basic food gap dogs girls should be meat
Soup with Barley and the addition of vegetables and herbs. Fed dogs girls
should be twice a day - morning and evening, adding to
each feeding mineral and vitamin supplements, in the third
and the fourth feeding dogs girls give milk with crumbled bread
or cooked meat. After one day be useful to give a little bit raw
    For the prevention of rickets in newborn puppies with the fifth
Week schennosti dogs girls instead of bone meal can be given
special mineral mix, which include.

    Glycerophosphate Calcium - 40 tablets
    Calcium lactate - 40 tablets
    Stern chalk - 20g
    Phytin - 10 pills
    Activated Charcoal - 10 tablets

    Tablets and chalk on a coffee grinder and grind give a mixture of
1 / 2 teaspoon per day with food. If the dog is observed for girls
Increased demand for minerals (during
walk licks large stones, the house breaks the wallpaper, is trying to
gnaw the plaster, etc.) increase the dose of mineral mixture
to 1 teaspoon per day.
    Dog food saturated girls should be given always in a strictly
certain time.
    Totally unsuitable for feeding dogs saturated girls
inferior foods that may cause on
early stages of pregnancy, fetal resorption, and more
later - miscarriages or birth of dead puppies.

               BREAST Lactating dogs girls

    Lactation period (lactation after birth) in dogs girls
continues 4-6 weeks. The duration of lactation depends
on individual characteristics and feeding dogs. Immediately
postpartum mammary glands of females secrete colostrum. Must
ensure that every newborn puppy
necessarily received (sucked) colostrum, otherwise
calves often die.
    The amount of milk allocated in dogs girls unequal in
different periods of lactation. Usually up to 20-25 days of lactation
secretory activity of the mammary glands increases and then
gradually decreases. For example, a husky 5-th day after
absorption for around 600g of milk, a 20-day - about 1 liter,
40-day - less than 300g per day.
    In the milk of dogs girls on average are about 7% protein, 8%
fat, 4% lactose. Components of the milk produced by dogs girls
due to nutrient foods. Therefore, the need
lactating dogs in energy, protein, fat, vitamins and
minerals higher than that nelaktiruyuschih.
    Lactation females has a large effect full
protein diet. Lack of protein and amino acids in particular
food causes deterioration of milk decreases
amount of protein and fat, which negatively affects
growth and development of newborn puppies.

         Need lactating dogs girls in the energy
        and nutrients, depending
                 of lactation:

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |-----------------------|
| | 5 | 15 | 25 |
| The first two weeks of lactation: |
| Energy, kJ 3800 8600 12400 |
| Protein, g 34101169 |
| Fat, g 22 July 1937 |
| Starch and sugar, Mr. 53160267 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 12 April 1920 |
| Calcium, g 2 June 1910 |
| Phosphorus, 6.1 g of 8 May |
| Vitamin A, IU 750 2200 3700 |
| Vitamin D, IU 52160260 |
| Vitamin E, mg 15 45 75 |
| The third - the fourth week of lactation: |
| Energy, kJ 5700 12900 18500 |
| Protein, g 38115191 |
| Fat, g 23 August 1939 |
| Starch and sugar, Mr. 58175290 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 12 April 1920 |
| Calcium g 2.5 8 12 |
| Phosphorus, 2.2 g in July 1911 |
| Vitamin A, IU 1000 3000 5000 |
| Vitamin D, IU 70110350 |
| Vitamin E, mg 20 60 100 |

    Great importance for the formation of milk have
mineral matter, the lack of which causes
various diseases osteodistroficheskogo nature
not only among themselves lactating dogs girls, but also in the offspring. When
This backbone of lactating dogs girls depleted mineral
substances and become porous, fragile, there is
osteoporosis and rickets in newborn puppies. Important
Preventive role of mineral reserves in the period
lactation indicates a need to create these reserves
during pregnancy and in young dogs girls - in the period of growth and
prepare them for the first lactation. Lactating dogs girls
compared with nelaktiruyuschimi need more
    In the nutrition of lactating dogs girls are of great importance
vitamins. They need not only for the dogs, girls, but also for
get rich in vitamins colostrum and milk
required for normal growth and development of infants
puppies. For example, content in milk vitamin A depends
only on the availability of its food. Therefore, vitamin A should
constantly present in the diet, as in dogs it is almost
not formed from carotene (provitamin A, contained in
food). In lactating dogs girls also need
in high doses of vitamin D and vitamin B complex,
which is also a large number of distinguished in milk
    The production of milk in dogs girls requires much more
energy in the diet as it is contained in the milk.
Since the first two weeks of lactation in the dog stands
milk is less than in the third and fourth, then the need for
energy in the first case, increased by 2 times in the second -
3-fold compared with the needs of adult dogs in
period of rest. From this it follows that, for instance, lactating
female weighing 10 kg for the formation of milk should
receive in their diet in addition to the staple food in the first
Two weeks of lactation 3140 kJ, and the next - 6280 kJ
energy every day. Accordingly, increasing the need
in protein and other nutrients that accounted for
preparation of food rations.
    In the first six hours after the birth of girls eating dog not give
should need only to close it was clean
drinking water. In the next two days, feeding the dogs girls should
be moderate, calculated to allow
body to the dogs come into the hole. These days, food should be
easy digestible and should be given in small portions
5-6 times per day. Best food in this period is the meat
broth, liquid meat soup with rice, semolina or crushed
oat groats. You can give just a little bit of white bread,
soaked in milk.
    Starting with the 4-th day after whelping for lactating dogs girls
rations are adhering to the following structure
ration (in%% of the daily energy needs):

Meat (beef category II) and | |
offal | 45 |
Groats (oats, millet, etc.) | 30 |
Bread (wheat, rye, wheat) | 15 |
Milk and milk products | 5 |
Vegetables | 5 |

    To ensure the lactating dogs girls mineral
substances in the diet include bone, and bone meal
and chalk, and to supply the body with vitamins give dogs
Fresh vegetables and herbs, as well as fish oil and vitamin

        Approximate daily ration of lactating dogs girls
         on the third or fourth weeks of lactation
                  (Body weight 15 kg):

| Meat (beef category II) and | |
| Offal | 900g |
| Groats (oats, millet, etc.) | 270g |
| Bread (wheat, rye, wheat) | 200g |
| Milk and Dairy Products | 260g |
| Vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage, | |
| Potatoes) | 300g |
| Butter | 15g |
| Bone meal | 25g |
| Salt | 5g |
| Retinol (vitamin A) | 2 drops |
| Videin (vitamin D) | 0.5mg |
| Or fish oil | 1y |
| Tokoferolatsetat or kapsuvit | |
| (Vitamin E) | 180mg |

    Food rations are fed in the form of soup and
liquid meals with additives. Food should not be too
hot (with plates) or too cold (from fridge).
The optimum temperature of about 35.
    Lactating dogs girls for increasing the milk as
drink instead of water gives a surrogate coffee with milk
and honey (1 teaspoon of honey on the 0.5L) 3 times a day. In addition,
You can give 0.5-1 tablet apilaka and one walnut
Nuts also 3 times a day.
    When a lactating female traits
vitamin C is useful to give a dog
tablet of ascorbic acid and glucose 1 per day or
small amount of syrup from berries rose hips.
    When a lactating dogs girls signs
deficiency of B vitamins is useful to give the food
one tablet every other day.
    Lactating dogs girls often appears dry wool
dandruff, in which case the food should be added vegetable
Oil - one tablespoon per day.
    To increase appetite lactating bitch is useful to give
vegetable purees, and herbal teas from the vegetables, which are
good sauce, imparting a taste foods diet.
    Lactating dogs girls can feed and canned food, in this
case per 1 kg of body weight gives 4050g of wet canned
or 2 times less dry. Since for lactating females
require more food than nelaktiruyuschey, then this
period is more suitable concentrated food such as "Pedigree
    That the food is better digested, lactating dogs girls should be
to feed at least 3 times a day, while consistency
food has to be more liquid, as compared with that given
nelaktiruyuschim dogs, which contributes to a more abundant