
Feeding dogs

Feeding dogs

 Feeding the dogs breed, age,   depending on the physiological state,  during the breeding season, health food


    Let no effect on you, the reader, the magic number 7.
Perhaps another dog breeder and animal lover chooses
different number of principles or precepts of proper nutrition
dogs, however knowledge of the proposed regulations will help
organize delicious, nutritious and full meals to
dog normally grown and developed, if it is still a puppy, and
had always been healthy. According to veterinary statistics known
that almost all non-contagious disease of dogs associated with the violation
in food animals.

    Commandment 1. Knowledge of the needs of dogs in the energy
nutrients and bioactive substances that
are the foundation of proper nutrition.
    Under proper diet usually means feeding the dogs
strictly according to regulations. Normalized power at the same time should
be a full, balanced and rational (from
Greek "rationalis" - wise).

    Commandment 2. When catering to dogs
take into account the features of the composition, properties and nutritive value
specific foods.
    For example, the source of dietary vitamins for dogs is
raw liver, a source of valuable protein - cheese, iron
- Semolina, niacin - millet, leitina -
buckwheat, etc.

    Commandment 3. Feeding a dog in any product
even if meat is not allowed.
     Proper nutrition provides, among
other things, food for the diet, because the selection and
certain ratio of products in the diet food
acquires a new quality, which has a positive
effect on the uptake of nutrients of the diet, and
hence the health of dogs. Rations should be of
products that meet the nature and taste the juice. Each
new food product, including a canned food,
must accustom gradually.

    Commandment 4. Strict adherence to diet dogs.
    The concept of the regime include the multiplicity of timeliness and
regular meals at the same clock, and the volume and
weight distribution of the required intake during the day.
By volume of single portion of food must comply
capacity of the alimentary canal and the body's ability to
dogs to digest and absorb nutrients feed.
Lack of fullness as well as overload
digestive tract, adversely affects
motor and secretory activity of the intestine and the general
state of health of the dog. It should be remembered
that the pups from 1 to 2 months to be fed 5-6 times per
day with an interval of 3-3,5 hours. 02.03 monthly puppies fed
4 times, and from 4 months to a year 3 times. C
6 mesyachnogovozrasta puppies stage begins intensive
growth. This will drastically increase the need for
animal protein, so the diet of dogs aged 6-12
months, depending on the breed is 60-80% of
beef or whale meat.

    Commandment 5. Avoid overfeeding dogs.
    Every overfeeding leads to obesity dogs, because of what
she has a different kind of metabolic disease,
heart, kidney, liver, etc. When overfeeding one way or another
product such as bones and fatty foods - the dogs often
having allergic disease. In addition, because
systematic overfeeding may disappear breed characteristics
exterior beauty of the dog, which often happens with
English Toy Terrier, Arabic and Persian greyhounds and
other breeds.

    Commandment 6. Strict observance of ways to prepare
food for feeding, taking into account the peculiarities
digestive organs in dogs.
    Dog from a young age should be accustomed to
tradition of thick soup and liquid meals.

    Commandment 7. If gastro-intestinal tract
on the grounds of improper feeding the dog should be translated
on the diet. Do not forget that a particular
Diet cures a sick dog from a specific disease.