
FEEDING OF DOGS IN DISEASES OF Digestion and metabolism


    Canker - an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth
cavity. Primary causes of stomatitis can be eating
hot meal, injury mucosa meat and fish-
bones, etc.
    The dog observed salivation, increased thirst,
difficulty in chewing food, etc.
    If you have any stomatitis dog must ensure that
copious drinking, slimy soups (broths rice, flax seeds,
Jones) and vitamins A and B1.
    Mouth washed with 2% solution
sodium bicarbonate, 0.05%-governmental solutions flowers
chamomile or sage leaves. Ulcer smear buckthorn
oil, mixed with an equal amount trivitamina.


    Laryngitis - an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx.
Causes of laryngitis are overcooling of the organism,
For example, bathing a dog in feverish cold water, taking
too hot or cold food and Bodi, damage
mucosa of foreign objects.
    The dog is a general depression, difficulty
swallowing and subsequent vomiting. On palpation pharyngeal
there is coughing, vomiting or choking. In case of contact
pharynx foreign body aspiration occurs in the dog paws
remove the jammed body, as well as strong salivation and
    Laryngitis dog give slimy soups, broths rice
flax seeds, jelly, raw eggs, milk, meat broth and
other liquid foods. Apply special treatment.

                  Blockage of the esophagus

    Blockage of the esophagus is more common in dogs, eagerly
eating food. Arises from the ingestion of bones
tendons, corks, pieces of wood, stones and other objects.
    At full or partial blockage of the esophagus is observed
very concerned dog: she wags and shakes
head and stretches his neck, scratching his paws in his mouth, eating
and the water is broken.
    In this case we must try to push the foreign body
probe into the stomach, pre-Vliv few tea
tablespoons of vaseline or butter. If necessary,
resorting to surgery.


    Gastritis - an inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
Acute gastritis is caused by eating fast food
Diseases of teeth and oral mucosa,
feeding too hot or cold food, tainted
foods (fermented, rotting, moldy,
containing various toxic substances).
    Gastritis in the dog there is depression,
decreased appetite, postprandial vomiting may occur,
bad breath, belching, white patches on the tongue and
    If there is evidence of gastritis dog stand on the hungry
diet for 1-2 days, do gastric lavage with 1% solution
salt, or 0.05% solution of lactic acid.
    When anatsidnom gastritis (low in
gastric juice hydrochloric acid) for 30 minutes before feeding
the dog is given a 1 tbsp of natural gastric juice.
With high content of hydrochloric acid (giperatsidnyh
gastritis) give artificial Karlovy Vary salt 1-2r 3 times
day with warm water.
    After a starvation diet dog fed slimy concoctions
(Rice, flax seeds, etc.) with the addition of raw eggs. Then
make oatmeal or vegetable soup, grated carrots with a small
sugar and low-fat ground meat. For constipation
used laxatives. Dogs give sulfate
sodium (10-25g), magnesium sulfate (15-20g) and castor oil
    Strictly adhere to the diet. 10-15 minutes before feeding
dog to give a decoction of chamomile (1:10), and natural gastric
juice of 1 tbsp. After eating the dog give the amino acid
methionine (0.25 g) 1-2 times a day. In the diet include
Vitamins A, B and C.

                     Gastric ulcer 

    Gastric ulcer - a focal necrosis of the mucous
membrane of the stomach. Arises as a result of damage
gastric mucosa by sharp objects (bones,
nails, etc.), hot food and hot drink of water.
    The dog, a change in appetite. After receiving
food there is vomiting, sometimes with clotted blood. In
feces also found blood.
    In the diet of dogs include dairy products (yogurt,
yogurt, etc.), raw eggs, meat broth, minced meat.
Dog fed frequently with small portions. The ration
added vitamins B and C apply special treatment.


    Enteritis - an inflammation of the intestinal mucosa with
breach of its duties. The most frequent causes
of enteritis is incorrect feeding
dogs (overfeeding, sudden change of diet and individual
feed, especially in puppies and young dogs, feeding
too hot or cold foods, feeding only boiled
food without the raw meat, feeding spoiled food
products, etc.).
    In acute enteritis observed depression
dogs, poor (or no) appetite, appears
diarrhea with fetid odor, undigested pieces of food,
mucus and blood. This requires special treatment.
    To prevent the appearance of a dog should enteritis
give food strictly on the rules in compliance with the regime
Feeding, transfer from one dog food and diet on
another, you must gradually, a little food to feed
warm temperatures 30-35C.


    Coprostasia - a stagnation of feces in the colon
dogs. The disease most often develops from the monotonous
and indiscriminate feeding excess carbohydrates in the diet
(Sugar) in the presence of diseases of the digestive tract, etc.
    The disease is more common in indoor and older dogs of
lack of exercise (walking).
    When stagnation of feces dog becomes restless,
groans, looks back on his stomach. Postprandial pain
amplified. Defecation occurs rarely, with great difficulty,
stool thick and dry.
    When this disease the dog for 1-2 days
provide starvation diet, without taking water.
Pose several times heavy, warm, slimy enema.
Give laxative (castor oil).
    Dog needs a strict diet. In the diet include
liquid vegetable soup, slimy broth (rice, flaxseed and
etc.), oatmeal pudding, acidophilus, yogurt, shredded carrots,
multivitamins in liquid form (1-2 drops a day). Dog
provide active exercise 2-4 times a day for 1-2 hours.


    Hepatitis B - this parenchymal inflammation of the liver. Often
often occurs as a result of transferring the dog gastritis
enteritis or infectious diseases, poisoning with toxins
vegetable and mineral origin.
    Among the factors contributing to the development of hepatitis,
is a general weakening of the organism in the dogs
Feeding poor quality due to imperfect
food. In the liver, reduced accumulation of glycogen
and vitamins.
    Patients dogs observed depression,
lack or loss of appetite, can be enhanced
body temperature. Appears yellowness of the mucous
membranes, itching, discoloration of the faeces.
    The disease can occur acutely (several days)
chronically (several months), gradually moving in
    The dog must be translated into dietary nutrition: a
digestible diet includes foods rich in
High quality protein, carbohydrates and vitamins: milk and
dairy products (cheese, acidophilus, yogurt), fresh
liver. Give multivitamins or need vitamins A, B and
C. Specific treatment is necessary.


    Urolithiasis - a formation of single or
multiple stones (concretions) in the kidney or urinary
    The main causes of stone formation is
metabolic disorder with unnormalized (wrong)
feeding the dogs, lack of food (stern) of vitamins A and D,
displacement of acid-base balance of blood and tissue
liquid acid or alkaline side, excessive
receipt of food and protein deficiency
    The disease manifests difficulty urination. Y
dog appears depressed state, are inactive,
hind legs wide apart. Frequently observed
urinary colic, dog moans, often assumes the pose for
urination. Urine acid reaction, cloudy, with a touch
blood. This requires special treatment.
    The diet of sick dogs should strictly standardize
protein and carbohydrate according to need
in these substances, avoiding the overfeeding of protein by
excess meat. Food should nourish with vitamins A and D
(Fish oil vitamins, retinol, vitamin D in oil
videin, trivitamin).


    Metabolic disorders in dogs occur when
improper feeding, due to inconsistencies
content in the diet of nutrients to the needs of
organism, that is the shortage or surplus energy
protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, and
as a result of inactivity (lack of exercise -


    Obesity - is excessive accumulation of fat in various
bodies, especially in the subcutaneous tissue as a result of the general
(Energy) overfeeding the dog, as well as the unnormalized
feeding a diet rich in easily digestible carbohydrates
(Bread, cereal, pastries - cookies, cakes,
candy, etc.).
    Disease also contributes to the lack of walks,
phlegmatic character of the dog, etc.
    External manifestation of obesity is to acquire
the dog's body round with thick soft folds at the
back. The dog is lazy and sedentary.
There is a shortness of breath and a violation of the digestive
tract, which manifests the change of constipation and diarrhea.
    To prevent obesity dog ​​should be fed a strictly
Standards, particularly with regard to carbohydrates, which
rich in cereals and bread, given the structure of the diet for different
    If signs of obesity in the diet of dogs
include raw, lean meat, vegetables, fruits, and a thin soup,
sharply limit the breads, cereals and fats.
    The dog must be fed frequently (3-4 times a day), but
small portions. Before eating salt make Karlovy Vary
(5-10d) and put the cleansing enema.

                    Diabetes mellitus 

    Diabetes - a disease characterized by
violation of the body's ability to absorb glucose dog,
Why in the blood increases its content (hyperglycemia).
Undigested glucose is excreted in the urine (glucosuria).
    Cause of the disease is reduction or cessation
hormone insulin the pancreas.
Disease of the pancreas is caused by overfeeding
Dog carbohydrates, obesity, etc.
    In diabetes mellitus in dogs observed enhanced
thirst and increased appetite. Dog consumes a lot of
food and drinking water.
    Diabetes often suffer from females. To prevent
occurrence of diabetes in the diet of the dog must
strictly standardize the amount of starch and sugar.
    When a disease from a diet of dog rule
carbohydrate foods - bread, biscuits, porridge, do not give
sugar and confectionery products.
    In the diet include lean meat (raw and cooked)
meat and vegetable broth and soups, dairy products (cheese,
yogurt, kefir, acidophilus), hard cheese and
multivitamins. Drinking water is slightly alkaline with drinking
soda. Require special treatment.


    With a lack of vitamins in the diet of dogs appear
disease in the form of hypovitaminosis.

                    Hypovitaminosis A 

    Hypovitaminosis A - a deficiency in dogs
Vitamin A, which is manifested in the strong keratinization of skin and
mucous membranes.
    The disease is caused by a small amount or
lack of food (stern) of vitamin A.
    Puppies and young dogs delayed growth and development,
as well as a change of primary teeth. There is dry skin,
dull hair, sometimes hair loss, watery eyes, eyelids
swell up, corneas become cloudy, it may be
blindness. Appear persistent diarrhea and pneumonia.
    In adult dogs disturbed the function of reproduction, that
manifested in propustovanii, proholostenii, birth of weak
pups, increasing the number of stillbirths. Case should abortion and
resorption of embryos.
    In generalized diet, lactating and young dogs should be
in sufficient quantity to introduce vitamin A. In this case,
dogs fed fresh liver, kidneys, milk, eggs,
butter, fortified cod liver oil. With food offer
vitamin A: retinol, microvan, and trivitamin
others in doses that meet the needs of dogs in the vitamin.

                Hypovitaminosis D (rickets) 

    Hypovitaminosis D - a disease of puppies and young dogs. In
the basis of this disease is deficiency in
Vitamin D (calciferol) and Disorder
phosphorus-calcium metabolism.
    The main causes of rickets are lack of
in the diet of vitamin D, poor relation of calcium in the diet
to phosphorus, as well as lack of exposure of dogs
ultraviolet rays, when the animals are not enough to
sun. More often suffer from rickets puppies of large breeds
(Great Danes, St. Bernards, etc.) during the most intense
Growth in age from 2 to 6 months.
    Symptoms are pica:
Puppies eat clay, earth, their own faeces, nibbling
foreign objects (furniture, books, etc.), licking the walls and
    Puppies swollen joints, there is distortion and
deformation of the limb bones appear limp,
delayed replacement of teeth. Observed growth inhibition and
development, puppies are more lie.
    When you see rickets in puppies require special
treatment. Assign daily long walks,
especially in sunny weather. In winter, the pups
irradiated with a mercury-quartz lamp with a hand on the abdomen
1m with an exposure of 2 to 8.7 min (10-15
procedures). During irradiation with ultraviolet rays
dog's eyes closed a dark bandage.
    In the diet of affected dogs include raw meat (at least once
per week), cheese, raw fresh egg yolk,
milk and dairy products, semolina or rice porridge with
butter, fortified cod liver oil, as well as
vitamins (trivitamin, Vitamin D in oil for 1
drop every day or pills (1 tablet contains 500 IU
vitamin D). In addition, the food given calcium gluconate
(4d), calcium glycerophosphate (0.3g), meat and bone meal, dry
crushed egg shells (3-4g a day).
    To prevent rickets in puppies in the diet of females with a gap
5th week schennosti necessary to introduce special
mineral fertilizer, consisting of calcium glycerophosphate,
calcium lactate, feed chalk, phytin, and activated
coal 1 / 2 teaspoon per day.

                    Hypovitaminosis E 

    Hypovitaminosis E - a deficiency in dogs
vitamin E (tocopherol), characterized by a violation of
functions of reproduction.
    Most often the disease occurs in dogs with
fed in the diet of rancid fats (vegetable and
animals, butter), spoiled meat and
Meat and bone meal, canned and ready-substandard
dry food containing fats, as well as shortcomings in
Food sulfur amino acids (methionine, cystine,
cysteine). As a result, the disease occurs in males
impotence, bitches is the death and resorption
embryos, abortion, birth of weak, malozhiznesposobnyh
    Sick dogs need special treatment. In
diet affected dogs fed raw meat and liver,
milk, butter, fresh raw eggs, buckwheat,
greens (lettuce, spinach, nettle). In addition, the food given
trivitamin, tokoferolatsetat in an oil solution or tablet,
Adeva and other vitamin supplements containing vitamin E.

               Hypovitaminosis K (diathesis) 

    Hypovitaminosis K - a deficiency in dogs
Vitamin K (fillohinona), which manifests itself
hemorrhagic diathesis.
    Patients with dogs a decrease in appetite,
nosebleeds, blood in the feces and urine, subcutaneous
hemorrhage (on the skin appear poorly healing wounds).
    The diet of the sick dogs are fed raw meat and fresh
and liver, vegetables and greens (kale, spinach, etc.). With food
give vikasol (0,02 g 2-3 times a day).
    For the prevention of food given multivitamins (undevit,
dekamevit, etc.), 1 tablet 1-2 times a week.

               Hypovitaminosis B1 (paralysis) 

    Hypovitaminosis B1 - a deficiency in dogs
Vitamin B1 (thiamine), which is manifested by nerve
    Patients with dogs a decrease in appetite or refusal to
of feed, emaciation, lethargy, disorder of coordination
movement, irritability, tremors, convulsions, paresis,
    It should be borne in mind that the thiamine in the body dogs
synthesized, and therefore vitamin should be given always
    The diet of the sick dogs are fed raw meat, raw
liver, meat and bone meal and always baking or
fodder yeast (puppies - 1-2r, adults - 5-6g a day).
    With food given vitamin B1 (thiamine chloride or
thiamine bromide - 1 pills 2-3 times a week).

              Hypovitaminosis B2 (dermatitis) 

    Hypovitaminosis B2 - a deficiency in dogs
vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which manifests itself as
dermatitis and chronic ulcers on the skin.
    Patients with dogs a decrease in appetite,
emaciation, redness and peeling of the skin, hair loss,
ulceration of the mucous membrane of the cheek, staggering gait. In
some cases, feeding dogs in
nurseries, meat, corned beef (the North), there
trophic ulcers on his wrists, buttock, cheeks,
lips, at the root of the tail, ears and rump, alopecia, diarrhea with
admixture of blood. Puppies observed dry scaly
    Sick dogs during the month with food give
riboflavin tablets (1-10mg daily). In the diet include
fresh raw meat, liver, milk, egg white, baking
or fodder yeast, buckwheat, and vitamin
drugs (granuvit, Tetravit, undevit, etc.).

              Hypovitaminosis B3 (pellagra) 

    Hypovitaminosis B3 - a deficiency in dogs
Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid, niacin), which
manifested skin lesions, digestive and nervous
systems (pellagra).
    The disease appears most often in dogs that
a long time to feed only cooked feed (at
cooking nicotinic acid is destroyed) or
corn porridge (in corn little amino acid tryptophan,
from which the body is synthesized vitamin B3), or
long absence in the diet of raw meat.
    Patients dogs observed a decrease in appetite,
emaciation, general depression, dermatitis, wrinkling,
swelling and desquamation, ulceration of the skin and breast
stomach ulcers on the gums and oral mucosa, thickening
Language covered grayish-black patina (black tongue),
diarrhea mixed with blood and the putrid smell, paralysis problem.
    Sick dogs prescribe nicotinic acid (2-5 mg
per 1 kg of body weight in the treatment of 10-15 days) or niktinamid
(In ampoules of 1ml per day).
    The ration includes raw meat, liver, kidney, bone
flour, eggs, baking or fodder yeast (1-5g per day).

                   Hypovitaminosis B4 

    Hypovitaminosis B4 - a deficiency in dogs
vitamin B4 (choline), which is manifested disorder
fat (lipid) metabolism.
    The disease occurs when a low content in food
high-grade animal protein and lack of
amino acid methionine, which regulates fat metabolism. In
comes from fatty liver.
    Patients dogs observed depression,
weakness of hind limbs, loss of coordination
movements, anemic mucous membranes, dermatitis, etc.
    Sick dogs appoint choline chloride - 1 teaspoon
strate a 20% solution 3 times daily with meals.
    The ration includes raw meat, (the best rabbit,
liver, kidney), meat and bone meal, oats, peas, soya

                   Hypovitaminosis B5 

    Hypovitaminosis B5 - a deficiency in dogs
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) which is manifested
a disorder of the reflex activity of the organism.
    Patients with a decrease in dogs
reflex activity and disorder
digestive tract. Sometimes, suddenly appears coma
or death.
    Sick dogs appoint pantothenic acid, 5-10ml
20% solution per 1 kg of body weight.
    In the diet include raw lean beef, rabbit meat,
raw liver, cottage cheese, buckwheat cereal, baking or
fodder yeast, vegetables and herbs.

         Hypovitaminosis B6 (hypochromic anemia) 

    Hypovitaminosis B6 - is a deficiency in dogs
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine adermin), which manifests itself
the development of hypochromic anemia and convulsions.
    The disease occurs as a result of feeding dogs
spoiled boiled and moldy foods, as well as
under protein overfeeding.
    Patients with dogs a decrease in appetite,
depression, tooth decay, necrosis of the tip
tail. On the extremities, nose and tail appear
redness. The disease is accompanied by seizures.
Puppies tend to lag behind in growth. Appears
hypochromic anemia (a decrease in blood lymphocytes). In
further develops leukopenia (decrease in white blood cells
    Sick dogs for 10-12 day intramuscularly
pyridoxine hydrochloride administered at the rate of 1,5 mg per 1 kg
body weight or give with food powders or pills
0.02-0.07g per day.
    The ration includes only benign fresh
products: raw meat (best horse meat), liver, millet
porridge with milk or contact, potatoes, vegetables and herbs
baker's yeast or fodder.

               Hypovitaminosis Sun (anemia) 

    Hypovitaminosis Sun - a deficiency in dogs
vitamin Bc (folic acid, folacin), in which
    The disease arises as a result of unbalanced
feeding especially in amino acids (lysine, methionine,
tryptophan, etc.), as well as indigestion
accompanied by prolonged diarrhea. Disease
also contributes to long-term feeding of dogs only boiled
    Patients dogs anemia (a decrease in blood
red blood cells and hemoglobin) and fatty liver.
    Sick dogs prescribe folic acid to 1-2mg at
1 kg of body weight per day for 15-20 days.

    In the diet include fresh foods, taking into account
amino acid composition: fresh lean meats (many
amino acids found in meat rabbit), liver, milk and
dairy products, sodium caseinate, buckwheat, vegetables and

            Hypovitaminosis C (scurvy scurvy) 

    Hypovitaminosis C - a deficiency in dogs
vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which manifests itself
in violation of redox processes and
accompanied by the development of anemia, hemorrhagic diathesis and
    The disease occurs as a result of prolonged
feeding dogs cooked food (cereals), diseases
digestive tract and liver.
    Patients dogs observed a decrease in appetite, general
weakness, lethargy, redness and swelling of the mucous
membranes of the mouth, bleeding gums and the appearance of
these ulcers, swelling of the joints of the limbs.
    Sick dogs appoint ascorbic acid as a
tablets of 0.02-0.1g per day with food, as well as intravenous
injected 20% glucose solution with ascorbic acid.
    The ration includes, in addition to cereals, raw, lean meat,
milk and dairy products, potatoes, vegetables and herbs
(Salad, nettles), and multivitamin preparations (asnitin
- 1 tablet contains 50 mg of ascorbic acid;
tetrivit - 1 tablet contains 150mg of ascorbic
acid; undevit - 1 tablet contains 75mg
ascorbic acid).
    If you notice signs of disease in dogs
should apply to the veterinary clinic.

             Feeding the dogs with a deterioration 
                  The coat 

    Dog owners often complain that their pets
deteriorates wool: it becomes brittle, inelastic,
slows its growth. There is even a patchy alopecia.
Color is losing luster, becoming dull and scruffy appearance.
In addition to the unsightly manifestations, there are changes in
behavior. Instead of a healthy gay animal, you see
before a restless creature hunted, apparently
in need of assistance. This is particularly an issue arises
the upcoming exhibition.
    First, you must identify the causes of poor
the state of wool. They may be different: too often
wash and yes even jet shampoos and chlorinated water,
improper combing of wool, the contents of the dog at
high temperature air or on the street, occasional walks
and others.
    The poor condition of hair especially spoils the view of
Dogs, like Kerry Blue Terrier, Bedlington Terrier,
Yorkshire Terrier, Russian Borzoi, poodle, schnauzer,
Chow, Airedale, big Spitz, Kai-Terrier, Dachshund
haired and longhaired, St. Bernard and others. In
conformation of these dogs well-groomed and glossy coat has
almost paramount.
    Improve the condition of hair, of course, if the reason is not
infectious disease or therapeutic, can include
in food compounds, the lack of which is
cause unsightly and painful appearance of the dog.

    Because of what are still the owners of the dogs there 
similar problems? 

    1. Small quantity of food or lack of vitamin A
makes the skin oily, dull hair. Sometimes the lack of
vitamin A deficiency leads to baldness.
    2. Redness, peeling skin, hair loss,
depigmentation are caused by lack of vitamins B2 and B3.
    3. Cause pigmentation disorders of hair is
copper deficiency.
    4. Deviation in the development of a normal (natural)
the coat - depigmentation of hair is called as
deficiencies of fat, which leads to avitaminosis A, D, E.
    5. Poor growth of wool is also possible from a lack of
    The table below shows the need for dogs in
food ingredients and, in particular, those
regulate the development of the coat. These components
italics (in the file *).
    * To restore - Vitamin A dog needs
fed fresh liver, kidneys, milk, egg, oil
butter, fortified cod liver oil, as well as drugs
retinol, microvan, trivitamin;

              The need for amino acids 
             (Per 1 kg body weight) 

| Amino acids, mg | Adults | Puppies and young-|
| | Dog | lodye dogs |
| Arginine 70 270 |
| Histidine 60250 |
| Lysine 60 210 |
| Isoleucine 80 330 |
| Leucine 110 370 |
| Valin 85300 |
| Tryptophan 15 60 |
| * Methionine 70 190 |
| Threonine 55 60 |
| Phenylalanine 65140 |
| * Cystine 60 65 |

    - Vitamin B2 - feeding and nutritional yeast, liver, and
kidney, buckwheat porridge. Preparations granetvit, Tetravit,
    - Vitamin B3 - yeast, liver, kidneys, heart
farm animals, bone meal;
    - * Copper - liver farm animals
buckwheat and oatmeal.
    Good results have to fill the copper in the body give
Drugs: ferroglyukon, glycerophosphate, glutamate,

                The need for vitamins 
             (Per 1 kg body weight) 

| Vitamins | Adults | Puppies and young-|
| | Dog | lodye dogs |
| * A (retinol), IU 100 200 |
| D (calciferol), IE July 1920 |
| E (tocopherol), mg 2 2,2 |
| K (fillohinon) mg 30 60 |
| B1 (thiamin), mg 20 30 |
| * B2 (riboflavin), mg 40 90 |
| * B3 (pantoktenovaya |
| Acid), CIM 50200 |
| B4 (nicotine |
| Acid), CIM 240400 |
| B6 (pyridoxine), mg 20 50 |
| B12 (cyanocobalamin), |
| CIM 0.7 0.7 |
| Folacin (folic |
| Acid), CIM August 1915 |
| H (biotin), mg 0.5 0.5 |
| C (ascorbic |
| Acid), mg 1 1 |

    To improve the coat can be included in
dietary unsaturated fatty acids. Best of
sources are vegetable oils in-kind
or in soft margarines.

      Need a dog in minerals 
            (Per 1 kg body weight): 

| Mineral real-| Adults | Puppies and young-|
| Properties mg | Dogs | lodye dogs |
| Calcium 264 528 |
| Phosphorus 220 440 |
| Sodium 60 120 |
| Chlorine 180 440 |
| Potassium 220 440 |
| Magnesium November 1922 |
| Iron 1.32 1.32 |
| * Copper 0.16 0.16 |
| Cobalt 0.05 0.05 |
| Zinc 0.11 0.2 |
| Manganese 0.11 0.2 |

           Optimal demand for food 
      components (per 1 kg body weight): 

| | Adults | Puppies and young-|
| | Dog | lodye dogs |
| Protein 4,5 g 9g |
| Fat 1,3 g 2,6 g |
| Vitamin A 100-200 IU 100-200 IU |
| Vitamin B2 40 mg 1990 CIM |
| Vitamin B3 50 CIM 200 CIM |
| Copper 160mgk (Pot-160 CIM |
| Rebnost in copper |
| More increase-|
| Decreases in the puppies, |
| Generalized and lacto-|
| Peting females) |

    In too much oil can cause diarrhea,
so limit small additions every other day
based on the optimal requirements, calculated on the size
dogs. Vegetable oil not only enhances the status
wool, but the overall condition of the dog.