

    To a very large dog breeds are as follows:
    blandhaund, malamute, Bern shepherd, mastiff,
Retriever, Newfoundland, Wolfhound, Russian Borzoi,
Hungarian shepherd, Giant Schnauzer, Deerhound, Rottweiler,
dog, dalmatian, Leonberger.
    Very large breeds of dogs are used as
herding (for herding sheep in the daytime), escort
(Border protection, office space and apartments)
hunting, sports and family, puppies are very large
rocks, in contrast to the smaller dogs in the period
intensive growth from 1.5 to 8 months of age need
in an increased amount of protein in food. Per 1 kg of body weight
puppies of these breeds is required 13.5 g protein, 9 grams instead of how to
other breeds. In this case the pups after weaning in the diet
give more meat (raw lean beef, cooked chicken)
as an additive fed cheese, sodium caseinate,
grated cheese, 2-3 eggs per week.
    A nursing bitch very large breeds should receive
food 2-3 times more protein than in ordinary time (in
period of rest), to compensate the loss of protein from milk to
growing puppies.
    Breeding stock in preparation for breeding,
schennosti and lactation increases the amount of energy in
1,5-2 times, 20-70% of protein, fat and easily digestible
Carbohydrates - 10-25%, vitamins - 2 times, mineral
elements - by 30-50%.

       The amount of energy and nutrients 
 required a very large dog breeds, depending 
                of body weight, per day:

+------------------------------------------------- +
| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |---------------------------|
| | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 |
|------------------------------------------------- |
| Energy, kJ 7930 8720 9600 1025 0 |
| Protein, g 157 180 202 225 |
| Fat, g 45 52 58 65 |
| Starch, |
| Sugar, g 325 372 418 465 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 28 32 36 40 |
| Calcium, mg 9.2 10.5 11.8 13.2 |
| Phosphorus, mg 7.7 8.8 10.0 11 |
| Vitamin A, IU 3500 4000 4500 5000 |
| Vitamin D, IU 240 280 320 350 |
| Vitamin E, mg 70 80 90 100 |
| Vitamin B1, IE 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 |
| Vitamin B5, IE 8.4 9.6 10.8 12 |
+------------------------------------------------- +

    In dogs, the service rocks, do more physical
load demand increases: energy 30% protein -
50% fat - 15% starch and sugar - 30%
Compared with dogs in a period of rest.
    Dogs are very large breeds daily ration fed
in two steps, in the office 2-3. When power is three times
major portion of food given at noon.

         The daily need of service dogs 
     very large species for nutrients, 
             depending on body weight: 

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |-------------------|
| | 40 | 50 | 60 |
| Energy, kJ 11340 13325 14280 |
| Protein, g 270 337 405 |
| Fat, g 60 74 90 |
| Starch, sugar, g 473 604 825 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 32 40 48 |

    Cook a thick soup or gruel of oats, barley
cereals or millets. Part of the meat used for soup, the
which prepare the soup with barley and vegetables. Cooked meat
fed separately.

        Sample diets adult dogs are 
              large breeds (per day) of: 

| Food | Body Weight, kg |
| |---------------------|
| | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 |
| Meat (beef, bar-550580600620 |
| Nina, etc. |
| Bread (wheat, rye-150180200220 |
| Wheat bread, biscuits) |
| Groats (oats, 180 220 250 250 |
| Millet, etc.) |
| Potatoes, vegetables and 250 250 300 300 |
| Green |
| Bone meal 11 12 13 14 |
| Salt 11 12 13 14 |
| Multivitamins (liquid |
| A 1-2 drops |

    Dogs thrive, gaining ground meat or
cut into chunks raw meat mixed with galetnoy crumbs.
Rottweilers are prone to obesity, so the number
starchy materials (cereals, bread, biscuits) in the diet strictly
normalized. They love cutting raw meat and a large crude
    Bread, biscuits, bone meal, salt, vitamins and partially
meat in the diet is very large breeds of dogs can be replaced
dry prepared food with vitamin-mineral premix
"Puppy Dog".
    For adult dogs in herding sheep farms
use the following standard diet: meat and edible offal
400-500g, 500g of cereals, bread - 100g, vegetables - 200g,
meat and bone meal - 10g, and table salt - 20g per day.
    Shepherd dogs can be fed cooked meat
forced to slaughtered animals. In this case, the broth
cooked cereal, bread and crumbled to make a broth. Cattle
dogs love carcass gophers and marmots.
    These dogs require intensive full Bole
feeding in early spring and autumn.
    On hot days, can be eliminated from the diet of meat and
by-products and replace them with milk, bread and vegetables. In
cold weather in the diet, in addition to meat, added animal
fat, at noon, give a big boiled bone.
    In summer, herding dogs weighing 35-40kg
can feed on the following exemplary diet:
    Ration 1. Soup meat. Meat and offal - 300g, grits -
400g, vegetables - and salt 200g - 15g per day.
    Diet 2. Cereal with milk. Groats 400g, Milk - 500g,
salt - 15g per day.
    Ration 3. Milk and bread. Milk - 1 liter, the bread - 500g and
salt - 15g per day.
    Very large breeds of dogs can be fed canned food. In
this case, the wet canned food with nutritional value
approximately 100g 570kDzh energy feed, give the following
amount per day (in grams):

| Physiological | Body Weight, kg |
| |----------------------| Condition of the dog
| | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 |
| The dormant period 1310 1450 1580 1710 |
| Females at 6-7 |
| Week schennosti 1440 1600 1740 1900 |
| Females at 8-9 |
| Week schennosti 1970 2180 2380 2580 |
| Females at 1-2 |
| Week of lactation 2360 2600 2850 3090 |
| Females at 3-4 |
| Week of lactation 3280 3630 3960 4290 |
| Females at 5-6 |
| Week of lactation 2630 2900 3170 3430 |

    When feeding dry dog ​​canned food, the rate of wet
canned goods decreased by about a factor of 2. While watching
so that the dog at any time could drink water. Translate
dog with a wet (liquid) food on a dry and gradually.
Initially, the best new food mixed with the usual
    German Shepherd, Dalmatian, Boxer, and other
required per day 1,5-2 standard (British) diet.
Giant Schnauzer, Malamutes, Rottweilers, bobtail, blandhaundu,
mastiff, Saint Bernard, Newfoundland and others - 2-2,5 diet
consisting of 250g of meat, bread or oatmeal, bone meal,
cod liver oil and multivitamins in liquid form.