

    Before proceeding to the presentation of this material,
believe it is worth mentioning that the proposed rations
feeding the dogs of breeds based on the separation of dogs
in size (body size).

| Very small | 1 to 5kg |
| Small | 5 to 10kg |
| Average | 10 to 20kg |
| Major | From 20 to 30kg |
| Very Large | of 30 kg and more |


    Dogs are very small breeds in most cases,
belong to the room, decorative animals.
    This family fun, causing a special affection
dogs include:
    lapdog, poodle (dwarf), griffon, spaniel
(Tibetan), Yorkshire Terrier, Dachshund (dwarf), kernterer,
King Charles spaniel, toy spaniel, pug, chihuahua, pinscher
(Dwarf), Chin (Japanese), Pekingese, Pomeranian (dwarf) and
many others.
    They are distinguished by gentle addition and require careful
care. Very small dogs are often capricious in food, but
responsible, as a rule, not the dogs, and spoiled
their hosts.
    Buying a puppy dog ​​breeds is very small,
must be borne in mind that an artificially bring up a puppy
almost impossible. Therefore, fans
family dogs must purchase a puppy at the age of not
under the age of 2-2,5 months.
    Need for puppies and young dogs of these breeds in the energy
and nutrients is small. For example, pup weight
Body 100g per day requires about 100 kJ of energy, about 1 g
protein, 0.37 fat, 1.5g carbohydrate (starch and
sugar), 0.2g fiber, 53mg calcium, 44mg phosphorus, 20 IU
Vitamin A and 2 IU of vitamin D.
    Puppies and young dogs of these breeds are usually fed with milk
and dairy products, give a small amount of crude
lean fresh meats, gradually accustom to the soup and porridge.

        Daily requirement for dogs of these breeds in

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |-------------------| Substance
| | 1 | 3 | 5 |
| Energy, kJ 590 1320 1900 |
| Protein, g 4.5 13.5 22.5 |
| Fat, g 3.1 4 6.5 |
| Starch and |
| Sugar, 9.3 g 28 46.5 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 0.8 2.4 4.02 |
| Calcium, mg 26 80 132 |
| Phosphorus, mg 22 66 110 |
| Vitamin A, IU 100 300 500 |
| Vitamin D, IU 21 July 1935 |
| Vitamin E mg 2 June 1910 |

    Starting about 8 months of age, these dogs
rocks must normalize the food in accordance with their
demand for energy and nutrients.
    In breeding dogs in preparation for breeding,
knitting schennosti and lactation the need for energy (food)
increased by 1,5-2 times, the protein - 20-70%, fat - on
10-25% carbohydrate - 10-25% vitamins - 2 times
minerals - by 30-50% compared with
the need for a period of rest and is as follows:

| Nutrients | Body Weight, kg |
| |-------------------| Substance
| | 1 | 3 | 5 |
| Energy, kJ 1150 2480 3400 |
| Protein, g 8.5 19.3 27.5 |
| Fat, g 1.5 4.7 7.5 |
| Starch and |
| Sugar, 32 g 10.7 52.5 |
| Dietary Fiber, g 0.9 2.7 4.62 |
| Calcium, mg 36113182 |
| Phosphorus, mg 32 91 143 |
| Vitamin A, IU 200 450 1000 |
| Vitamin D, IU 14 42 70 |
| Vitamin E, mg 12 April 1920 |

         Composition of the daily diet of dogs is very
                   small breeds:

| Food | Body Weight, kg |
| Products |-------------------|
| | 1 | 3 | 5 |
| Meat (lean |
| Beef) 80100150 |
| Milk and dairy-|
| Nye products 30 50 80 |
| Wheat bread, |
| Biscuits October 1940 50 |
| Krupa (semolina, |
| Rice, etc.) October 30, 1940 |
| Vegetables 20 50 100 |
| Bone meal 0.5 1 2 |
| Salt 0.3 1 1.7 |
| Vitamin A |
| (Retinol, etc) 1 drop a day |
| Vitamin D (in |
| Oil) 1 drop 2 times |
| Week |

    The main part of the meat fed in raw form, the remainder
- Cooked. As bread is better to give biscuits
mixing them with pieces of meat or milk.
    Gruel cooked in milk, bone meal to give
crushed biscuits and meat, vitamins
added to the porridge. Steamed vegetables and herbs rub up
mushy state and fed as a mash,
which is prepared with cream or sour cream. Instead, vitamin D
You can give vitamins fish oil 1 drop through
day. In the diet can include an egg a day. Egg better
feed in the form of an omelette. Also on the milk with egg cooked
concentrated gruel.
    If the dogs of these breeds to feed the English method, the
per day fed by 1 / 3 to 3 / 4 (often 1 / 2)
standard diet consisting of 250g of cooked meat or
raw with the addition of stale gray or brown bread
(Cereal), 1 tsp of sterilized bone meal and 1 drop
Fresh fish oil or liquid multivitamins.
    Canned Dogs is very small breeds weighing up to 1kg is not
yield. Approximate daily rate of wet canned food, for example,
"Pedigree" dog weighing 4 kg - 260g. In the case of
Feeding dry dog ​​canned food, the dose is reduced
about 2 times. If food is fed dry,
fresh drinking water should be available for dogs at any
time of day.
    Dog breeds require a vermillion Bole rich
protein foods as opposed to large breeds, which can
Bole to eat roughage. Therefore, to the diet,
consisting of canned food, add a small amount
cottage cheese (10-20g per day).
    As usual diet hairless dog breeds such as
dwarf dachshund, Brussels Griffon, English
Toy, Miniature Pinscher and others should be added
small amount of vegetable oil twice a week.
    Not recommended to give the dogs candy because
they often lose their teeth very early (sometimes reaching
3 years of age).
    Particularly vulnerable to damage teeth dog breeds
Yorkshire Terrier, King Charles Spaniel, etc.
    Appetite for small breeds of dogs are strictly individual.
Feed it to be small portions of at least 3 times
    Basic diet given at noon.